Sinking Sand
It's easier for me to write here than talk to each of you about how the day went yesterday... Mediation Day. It was undoubtedly the worst day of my life (to date)... for a number of reasons. We had to be at the law office by 9:30am. I had to take the day off from work. I was there on time and so was J. Thankfully we were at opposite ends of the building, but just a couple of hours earlier we were in the same house, getting ready for the same "event." I left my house way early just to avoid having to see him. I sat at Starbucks for nearly an hour and a half. Once at the office, the mediator introduced himself, gave a short run down of how things were going to work, and then he left to start with J. The purpose of this mediation was to TRY to come to an agreement on alimony and disbursement of assets. Needless to say, we never got to the "ED" as they call it... equitable distribution. In fact, we never finalized anything. We spent 7 1/2 hours in a room, going ba...