Maybe Just Sleep

Ok, tomorrow is "the day" and I am about to lose it right now. I am thinking if I just take a couple of "sleep aids" and go to bed right now, morning will be here before I know it and the day will get started and then the day will be over.  I've tried to do things to calm my nerves. I've tried to think of anything except "tomorrow."  Nothing is working. Nothing. So here I am, writing. Again.

I spent most of the day with My girl. She had a rough day. Her boyfriend left today for Parris Island. He is currently in Charlotte for the night. He will get on a bus to SC tomorrow morning and arrive at Parris Island Marine Boot Camp to begin 13 weeks of hell. His choice. He says it is "something he has always wanted to do." He is 26 years old. Oldest by far of most of the recruits. He is even older than some of his "trainers." But Marc is "all in." He's been preparing for this day for months and months. So has Katelyn. Today she is sad. She expects him to walk in the door and say "Hi." The bad part about going off to Boot Camp is zero communication except for handwritten letters. NO cell phones, which means NO Tweets, NO Instagram, NO Snapchats, NO nothing. NO computers, which means no Facebook or email. For a digital world and social media generation, this ain't gonna be easy!!  I told K how fortunate she will be to have actual letters from the boy she loves! Handwritten letters are a thing of the past, but what a treasure both of them will have at the end of this 13 weeks! I will pray for Marc's safety. I will pray he has the stamina  and endurance and drive to finish this boot camp training without losing his mind. They say this is a "big ole mind game" for these boys. There is no mercy.  Law, be strong! Be tough, Marc, and all you young boys going through this process to be our country's protectors! My thoughts and prayers are with you! We will be anxiously awaiting graduation day... May 23rd. I honestly can't wait to see that ceremony. I think men in uniform are soooo hot!! Men in Dress Blues... be still my heart! Katelyn says if he graduates with honors, he will get his Dress Blues for free!! :) My Girl will have some tough days and be plenty lonely at times, but she will get through and so will Marc and his family. One day at a time.

I suppose that is how we all get through things...

So I'm going to stop writing now and I AM going to go take two Sleep Aids and go to bed. I just can't take "the wait" any longer. Maybe I will fall into a deep sleep and not wake up until the alarm goes off. I haven't been sleeping worth a darn lately--waking up a million times through out the night, tossing and turning and huffing and puffing. I can't shut my mind off. Then yesterday I woke up with a terrible cold and this "thing" festering on my face!!! I know it's trying to be a cold sore. Stress makes them pop up! Ugh!! I don't take any medication for nerves and anxiety, but I'm thinking I wish I had something right about now!

I'm going to leave you with a couple of pictures of Katelyn and her beau... these were taken this morning before leaving for the recruiting office.
without glasses

with glasses

Good night to All. Think of me tomorrow, please.


  1. Wrap your mind around this: stink bugs and a fu man chu. I love ambien!!! Nighty, night just right!! You are strong like Donkey Kong. You got this!! Just sayin!!! LYMI!!!!


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