Snow Days!!

Ok, who doesn't LOVE a good Snow Day?!?! I got to have THREE last week. I only wish we would've had the snow to match the 3 days of being out of school.

This is how it started: Tuesday we get a 2 hour early dismissal because "the snow is coming." It did start snowing before school got out but it was only "dusting" at that time. By Tuesday night, we had a small accumulation of about 1-2 inches, and that's being generous. Nonetheless, we got the call that school would be cancelled for Wednesday. Cheers all over North Carolina could be heard round the world!! You see, we haven't had snow for two years! Last year we had one Snow Day and it didn't even snow-not one flake.  Tuesday night kids could be heard playing outside, sledding, and no doubt trying to make snowmen out of this fresh "manna from heaven." This snow, however little it was, was a gift to us here in the South. Thank goodness I had gone to the grocery store on Monday night for the "must have" bread and milk, otherwise I'm sure I would've been stuck in a long grocery line Tuesday pm.  I do get just as excited as the kids when even the thought of snow is headed our way and then when the snow starts to actually fall, I'm in love with watching it descend on our piece of earth. I keep going to the windows and the doors to make sure it's still snowing. I get on my shoes and go outside and take pictures. It really is a rare treat for us anymore. We used to get snow, lots of snow years ago; I'm not sure what has happened to change that, but it has. I guess the Northeast and Midwest is now the dumping ground for "most of the snow" here in the US.

May I just say what a glorious feeling it was when the call "officially" came in Tuesday night... "due to inclement weather, Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools will be cancelled tomorrow."  It was as if a million bricks fell off my shoulders (and Jacob's-my l1th grader) and we totally relaxed and everything came to a screeching halt. We didn't have to hurry up and get things ready for the "next day"; we didn't have to go to bed at a decent hour or pick out what clothes we were going to wear to school or pack a lunch... we could do whatever we wanted to b/c we would get to SLEEP IN!!! It's such a great feeling! I stayed in my PJ's all day long. It was fabulous! I was so hoping there would be enough snow to make SNOW CREAM, but there wasn't. I don't make Snow Cream out of "shallow dirty" snow.  There should be at least 3-4 inches of beautiful white snow in order to make the most delicious Snow Cream. Now, if you've never experienced this Winter Delicacy, you are completely missing out; I feel so sad for you. It's one of my most favorite treats in the whole world. It's a mixture of just the right amount of snow, milk, vanilla and sugar. OMG! It's the best. My grandmother made it for me when I was very little and I got hooked. I made it for my kids and they love it too. Sometimes they would ask me to put chocolate syrup in it. There is no recipe, that's why I say, "just the right amount." Maybe next time I'll get to have me some Snow Cream. :D

Thursday school was cancelled.  However, it was an optional teacher workday. I was on the fence about going in, but I went anyway and I did get some stuff done. It was a productive 3 hours. Ok, now our 2 days of "built ins" are gone. If we miss another day, we have to make it up. Well, Friday school is cancelled... that's our 3rd day, but it was another optional teacher workday. I chose not to go in and it felt good! Everyone on my grade level was at school except me! I know-such a Rebel.  Now we have to make up this day on 2/17, but it's OK with me. I had to go to school on the 17th anyway. It was going to be a "workshop" day, so I'm glad we're missing that big fun event. The 3 Snow Days have been totally worth it. I got some things done--mainly took down all my Christmas decorations including the 2 Christmas trees. I can't believe I've left them up for this long, but then again, I've enjoyed them and that's what counts, right? Who cares if I leave them up until Feb. 1st? I don't. The Trees made me happy. I even got snippy and cooked supper nearly every night and have suppers planned for next week!! WHAT??!  I like being home. I could so get used to this. Life runs so much more smoothly when I don't work. My life is more on track; I have time to think and plan; I can actually keep up with the "day to day." I know mothers who work and are so with it and seem to operate both home and work flawlessly; I'm just not one of them or I don't feel like I am. So when we get these little "respites", I'm overjoyed.

While we were having Snow Days last week, my College Boy was "rushing" for a Fraternity at his new college. I just found out today. It's fine by me, but a little out of character for him. He seemed excited about it and that made me happy.  I asked him the name of the Fraternity and he said it's "TKE." It's all Greek to me! (haha, yes that was a pun!) One of his suite mates is a member and told him he should "rush." Well, he did and he got in, whatever that's called. I think he is a "Pledge" or something now. I know nothing about this; I was never in a sorority or even knew friends in a sorority or fraternity, so this is all new ground for me. J said it would be a good way to "get to know people." He also said there is an annual fee"... I guess we'll see what that turns out to be! ha   I am glad for him if this is something he wants to do. His first year and a half of college wasn't very "collegey" in the college life sense. Perhaps he's finding a whole new world at Concord. He has a tough course load, plus playing soccer. I hope he knows what he's doing. :)

So, yeah, tomorrow it's BACK TO SCHOOL and back to reality. The Groundhog said we would have 6 more weeks of winter. Could that mean more snow??? I hope so!! I want snow and lots of it!! (Sorry all you Northerners. I know you want to slap me right about now.)

Here's to February! I'm going to keep doing my Snow Dance.
Take care,


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