Snow! Sweet Sweet Snow!! 2014

"Oh, Snowflake, Pretty Little Snowflake"...


First of all, I will go ahead and apologize to any and all who have been suffering all winter long with tons of snow and extreme cold, but we here in the South were just treated to Some Kind of Wonderful!

I have to blog about it... I have to. This was the biggest snow we've seen in YEARS!!! It just doesn't happen around these parts anymore. In fact, we haven't had a decent snow in over 3 years, and by decent I mean at least an inch! This was special and the entire Southeast was giddy with wild excitement for "the snow that was coming." (I can't speak for Atlanta, but the rest of us were pretty darn happy.)  I hate there were so many thousands without power, particularly in GA and SC, but I am here to speak about The Tarheel State. We absolutely loved the snowfall. People have been calling it the "Snowpocalypse", "Snowmaggeddon", "Snow Storm of the Century", etc... It really wasn't THAT bad, but it was A LOT! The weather people named it "Winter Storm Pax" and apparently Pax packed a super punch--"from Texas to Maine."

At least we had several days notice before it hit us. Plenty of time to get to the grocery store and stock up on the essentials. We did have school Monday and Tuesday. It allowed us to finally celebrate the 100th Day of School and then one more. By Tuesday evening, school had been called off for Wednesday. The truth is, we knew the rest of the week would be cancelled too! And it was. Woohoo!! (insert: we are all full of joy now, but when we have to make up these snow days, we won't be so happy)  The snow was coming and everyone knew it. Here in Clemmons and Winston-Salem, the snow didn't start falling until about 1:30pm Wednesday. Again, the morning and early afternoon giving folks plenty of time to go out and get done whatever needed doing.  Once the snow started, it was "game on!" The roads got bad pretty quickly. It was exciting to see this much snow fall. I could do nothing but just watch it. By 6:30, kids were already outside sledding. The news said it was going to snow all night and continue to snow heavily through Thursday afternoon. WOOHOO!!!! And it did...
Wednesday... just waiting for that snow...
Wednesday... a few hours later!! :D
Oh, and I finally got to make this Wednesday night...
This is all you need... milk, vanilla, sugar and snow.
I woke up Thursday morning and it was still snowing. I had the biggest grin on my face. I jumped up like I was a little kid and lifted the blinds to look at all that snow! I think most businesses and doctor's offices were closed. Appointments were cancelled and had to be rescheduled, but who cares? We were snowed in for real! :)

So where's the driveway?? 

So what did I do on those 3 glorious snow days? Well, pretty much nothing. I mean, when we're given a rare gift such as "snow days", might as well just hunker down and do what is expected... watch TV--a lot of Olympics (which are really kind of boring this time around), cook a lot, play in the snow, maybe clean out a drawer or two, stay on the computer and read blogs or look at cool things on Pinterest, call people, and simply BE in the moment and enjoy the snow and its beauty... oh, and take pictures, lots of pictures.  I actually watched some news and I heard yesterday(2/14/14) that "49 of the 50 states had snow." That's amazing! The news also reported that many thousands of flights had been cancelled in the past few days... the most in 25 years!! How crazy is that?! I'm sure glad I wasn't supposed to be on one of those flights! Whew! 

Speaking of yesterday, it was Valentine's Day. I'll just go ahead and state that my Valentine's Day certainly sucked; it was just another day here and I mean that quite literally... "just another day." Did I expect anything more than "total and complete suckiness?" No, so I will leave it at that and go on to say there were some good points to the day.  1. I left the house and got out for a bit. 2. I got myself a wonderful 90 minute facial. 3. I received three Valentine's cards in the mail from 3 special people. 4. It was a beautiful FULL MOON on Valentine's Day. I love full moons...something special and unique about them...  

I walked outside last night and took this photo from my front yard.
A Valentine's Day Full Moon... Love it.

Thanks for reading, and if we get more snow, that's OK too. I'm going to Miami for Spring Break! :)


  1. i can comment??? Woohoo!!!! Miami??? Really?? Again???

  2. I am anonymous. I didn't know what to do as a profile. Brown


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