
Showing posts from September, 2013

Snafus are bound to happen

You know what?  There was a night this week that I was really bummed. I received an email that set my spirits back a bit. (more than a bit) It had me all in a wad, heart hammering, mind racing, body saying, "Go to bed. Now!" kind of feelings. I thought about calling someone, anyone, to talk to about it but decided I just needed to sleep pronto! Deal with it "tomorrow."  Bad thing is, I guess I took "it" to sleep with me b/c I woke up at 4:00am with a splitting headache! Stress does bad things to one's body-even in sleep! What's that about? It was an email basically putting a halt or a snag (SNAFU) on this whole "separation process." I can't go into email details b/c , well, I just can't, but I tell you, friends, I was discouraged. I was thrown for a loop. We've been working all summer long on our house trying to get it "Market Ready." A painter/fix-it guy was here every day for three straight weeks! There are some

Oh, Brother!

I am very much looking forward to a little road trip in a couple of weeks to Lexington, Kentucky. My nephew is getting married on October 5th. The very nifty thing about this experience is that Greg, my nephew, is my brother, Ray's son. Ok, let me back up... I have three brothers. I'm the only girl. I didn't meet any of these brothers until I was 40 years old!! WHAT? YES! It's a crazy story. My entire life is a crazy story, but anyway... So like I said, I'm from Asheville, NC, and I was in Aville one weekend in February and on my way home, out of the blue I decided, "Hey, I'm going to look my dad up in the phone book and call him and see if I can stop by for a visit." (I had not seen nor spoken to my dad since I was 21 yrs. old--hence, more stories to be told down the road on this here blog) So I did just that and I stopped by. It was a very good visit and I will have to share the details of that story another time but while I was there, he gave me t

Telling Friends

Why is it that the thought of telling our friends "yucky stuff" in our lives is so difficult? Why does it make us nervous inside?  Is it the fear of being judged? Is it the terrible disappointment that we know we will surely see in their eyes, hear in their voices? Or the feeling of dread knowing they are going to want to "say something" to us about it/talk about it with us/find out the "WHY" is this happening? or the "HOW" did it happen? For me, it's all of these things and then some. Yesterday I decided it was time to share my situation and what was going on in my life with a few of my dearest friends. I took the "easy road" and emailed them. I knew they were concerned about me; they were wondering this or that and I knew their worries would soon get the best of them and they would start asking me questions and then one thing would lead to another... So I just emailed them. I kept it brief and to the point and asked them to plea

Eggshells are so Crumbly

"This" has actually been going on for years, really a lot of years, but the "finality" actually started over a year ago.  I can remember the exact date b/c it was one of the worst days of my life, if not THE worst. August 20, 2012.  It's not easy "going back there" and remembering and trying to put those moments/feelings into words, especially words that I am sharing with "everyone."  August 20th was my first day back to work after having the summer off; the best summer of my life because I got to spend 5 of those 8 weeks on a beach somewhere! (you will learn that the beach is my Happy Place) Let's just say everything blew up that evening... When it was all said and done, I was left with feelings I had never truly experienced before... I was shaken to my core and when I say that, I mean I was literally afraid, scared, in complete disbelief at the actions I had just witnessed. I felt like I went to bed that night lying on a mattress of

It's Time... Finally.

Today is the day I'm starting this blog. I've thought about blogging for a long time. It wasn't until a friend just came out and told me, "You need to start a blog. Like now" that I began to give it serious consideration. Well, that was weeks and weeks ago.  I love to write. I've always kept a diary or a journal ever since I was a little girl.  THIS, this is waaay different! I guess I've been afraid to put my thoughts out there in cyberspace for the whole world to see and then criticize, judge, mock, scoff, shake their heads, whatever... This same friend also told me that having the "whole world" read my blog is a whole lot easier than having my friends and family read it! It looks like I'm about to find out. I'm being brave. I'm taking a leap of faith and just jumping in to this whole blog scene.  Here we go... "A Southern Rehabilitation" is the title of this blog. Oh, how I've searched for just the right title! I