Oh, Brother!

I am very much looking forward to a little road trip in a couple of weeks to Lexington, Kentucky. My nephew is getting married on October 5th. The very nifty thing about this experience is that Greg, my nephew, is my brother, Ray's son. Ok, let me back up...

I have three brothers. I'm the only girl. I didn't meet any of these brothers until I was 40 years old!! WHAT? YES! It's a crazy story. My entire life is a crazy story, but anyway... So like I said, I'm from Asheville, NC, and I was in Aville one weekend in February and on my way home, out of the blue I decided, "Hey, I'm going to look my dad up in the phone book and call him and see if I can stop by for a visit." (I had not seen nor spoken to my dad since I was 21 yrs. old--hence, more stories to be told down the road on this here blog) So I did just that and I stopped by. It was a very good visit and I will have to share the details of that story another time but while I was there, he gave me the phone numbers of 2 of my 3 brothers and told me where they lived, etc... He wasn't sure about the whereabouts of the other one. I thought since I'm feeling all brave and stuff about digging into my Family Tree, I would call them on my drive back to Winston. So as soon as I got back in the car, I started calling...

My brother's names are Raymond (5 yrs. older than me), John (4 years older than me), and Jeff (5 years younger than me). Ray and John have the same mom. Jeff and I have different moms, but all of our moms had the same Baby Daddy, Raymond Carl Fowler, RC for short. At the time I found out about them, Ray was living in Chicago and Jeff was living in Greenville, SC and John was supposedly living in Connecticut.  So I chose Jeff's number to call first. No answer so I left a message--it went something like this, "Hi, Jeff, this is Dawn, your sister. I got your number from RC and would love to talk to you. Call me back when you can." As it turned out, Jeff was working overseas and didn't call me back for about a week. (talk about anxiety!)  Ok, now on to the next brother, Ray. Here's a funny thing... before I called him I thought to myself, "I just know some woman is going to answer the phone and not let me speak to him. She's going to be all suspicious of another woman calling and be all territorial and, well, you know... "  Well, my prediction turned out to be totally true!! haha I call, she answers, I say, "Hello, may I speak to Raymond?" in my sweetest Southern voice. She hesitates too long so I know right then and there I've pegged it, and then she says, "I'm sorry, he's not here right now. May I take a message?" Okeeey Dokeeey! Now this is when my Smartass side comes out (believe it or not, I do have one) and I say, "Alright, then, please just tell him his SISTER, Dawn,  called and would like for him to call me back as soon as he can."  She says, "His sister?" I reply, "Yes, his sister. Thanks so much. Bye."  Well, Folks, it wasn't 30 seconds later until my phone was ringing and it was my brother, Raymond! :)  We talked for the entire drive back to Winston (almost 2 hours). Such a wonderful conversation! I got off the phone thinking, "Oh, MY GOSH!! I have brothers!! I have some family!!" (and that territorial girlfriend--Whatever!)

The next weeks were filled with plans to meet. I made arrangements to fly to Chicago the weekend of Mother's Day (2003) and our brother Jeff, was going to be there as well. I was really going to meet two of my brothers AND at the same time! I was beyond excited but I was also nervous about meeting them too. What would they be like? Would they look like me? Would they like me/want me as their sister? Would we get along? All these questions were swirling through my mind as I was flying toward O'Hare. Ray was meeting me at the airport and I was staying at his house for the weekend, along with Jeff.  I can remember the moment I saw him... I was waiting in baggage claim and I turned to see him coming down the escalator. I knew immediately who he was and he knew as well. It was an unforgettable moment. We hit it off right away. Meeting Jeff was just the same... so nice, so wonderful. All three of us felt insanely happy to have this time.

It's been 10 years since that first meeting. We have been able to share a memorable Thanksgiving together at my house. My dad, 2 brothers and some of their families were all here gathered around one table--at SISTER'S HOUSE!! What a day of Thanksgiving that truly turned out to be! It is one of my most treasured memories to date. The 3 of us have been together a few other times since then, but not nearly as often as we would like. Our schedules are vastly different and we all live in different places.  In the past year, Ray moved to Asheville (at least for part of the year), and I have been able to see him a few times when I go to visit my aunt or other family and friends.  My dad is still in Asheville as well, but he is now living in a "skilled nursing facility."  Ray happened to be in Asheville on his birthday this year, so I drove up and we celebrated together. We had a blast! Soon after his birthday, he went back to Chicago for some work projects he bid on and won. I haven't seen him since March. Jeff is living near Atlanta area and he stays so incredibly busy. We talk on the phone occasionally. One thing I've learned, my brothers are not big communicators! HA (Really, what man do you know who is?)

This upcoming wedding is going to be fantastic on so many levels. I found out just last week that the "third brother"--the one I have never met, is going to be at the wedding! I'm going to be there! We are so hopeful that Jeff is going to be there! Jeff has never met John either! It will be a momentous occasion. All four us will be together for the first time EVER! E.V.E.R. Here we are from 46 to 56 yrs old and we have never all been together! I am going to see my nephews, whom I've only met once. Ray has 2 sons, Ray III and Greg. Greg is marrying Jennifer. I will get to meet Jennifer. I will get to meet some of my brother's friends. I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to this event! Right now, it looks like I will be going by myself, but that's OK. It's going to be a grand time. I'm even taking Friday off and getting a sub so I can leave bright and early for the "hills of Kentucky!"

I'm thankful that I'm not an only child any longer.

Here's to finding brothers!!


  1. testing to see if comments will post... people have asked me why their comments are not posting... I don't know... :(


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