Snafus are bound to happen

You know what?  There was a night this week that I was really bummed. I received an email that set my spirits back a bit. (more than a bit) It had me all in a wad, heart hammering, mind racing, body saying, "Go to bed. Now!" kind of feelings. I thought about calling someone, anyone, to talk to about it but decided I just needed to sleep pronto! Deal with it "tomorrow."  Bad thing is, I guess I took "it" to sleep with me b/c I woke up at 4:00am with a splitting headache! Stress does bad things to one's body-even in sleep! What's that about?

It was an email basically putting a halt or a snag (SNAFU) on this whole "separation process." I can't go into email details b/c , well, I just can't, but I tell you, friends, I was discouraged. I was thrown for a loop. We've been working all summer long on our house trying to get it "Market Ready." A painter/fix-it guy was here every day for three straight weeks! There are some odds and ends type things that still need to be done, but basically the house is ready.  Realtor was coming this week to put the sign in the yard. Nope. Not now. "House isn't ready." Now I'm hearing other "house plans" and it's not fitting with the original plan.  When all of this started over a year ago, we both knew the house would have to be sold in order for either of us to be able to afford another place to live. No choice.

Don't get me wrong. I am certainly not dying to sell the house. I love my house. It's been our house since Dec. 1997. MANY MANY wonderful memories here, but the thing is, most of the wonderful memories are all surrounded by kids. My own and everyone else's. Our door has always been revolving. One comes in, one goes out and it's a continuous cycle; a cycle that I have loved. So no, I'm not anxious to sell this house, but the thing is, it doesn't feel like HOME anymore. There are no pictures on the walls. Half of the furniture has been moved to a storage unit. I have packed boxes and boxes of stuff. I've taken several van loads of items to Goodwill and if I haven't given it away, I've thrown it away. I have done some serious purging in the past few months. It felt good. Actually, it felt GREAT! I keep thinking, "Why haven't I done this before now?!!?"

So we've done all this house stuff and now what? All of a sudden "he's" wanting to change the plan? REALLY? I mean, really? I'm worried this is going to take forever. We don't have "forever." In the state of NC, a couple has to be physically separated for one entire year before divorce can be finalized. We haven't even started Day 1 yet!!  No it's not pleasant and it's not easy but we have to do SOMETHING! Living like this is definitely not good for anyone. Living in this limbo, living in the same house while we KNOW this is happening, is killing us. Killing us in many ways, but mainly from the inside out. It's not good for the kids. The kids may be happy they are still in the house, but what can living like this really be doing to them? It's not good. I do know that!

I know this is happening. It is. So let's get moving. Stop stalling. Put this behind us so we each can start picking up the pieces. If we don't, then it's going to be Stroke City or Heart Attack Alley for me!



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