It's Time... Finally.

Today is the day I'm starting this blog. I've thought about blogging for a long time. It wasn't until a friend just came out and told me, "You need to start a blog. Like now" that I began to give it serious consideration. Well, that was weeks and weeks ago.  I love to write. I've always kept a diary or a journal ever since I was a little girl.  THIS, this is waaay different! I guess I've been afraid to put my thoughts out there in cyberspace for the whole world to see and then criticize, judge, mock, scoff, shake their heads, whatever... This same friend also told me that having the "whole world" read my blog is a whole lot easier than having my friends and family read it! It looks like I'm about to find out. I'm being brave. I'm taking a leap of faith and just jumping in to this whole blog scene.  Here we go...

"A Southern Rehabilitation" is the title of this blog. Oh, how I've searched for just the right title! I've had my friends thinking of titles, after all, they know me. I needed advise. They should be able to help me come up with something catchy and "just right." I wanted a title that accurately depicts who I am, where I come from and where I'm going.  In the end, it came down to something very simple. I am Southern. I love all things Southern. I am in need of Life Rehab and I am about to embark on a brand new journey right here at the second half of my life.

 I am a southern girl to the very core of my being. I was born and raised in the beautiful mountains of Asheville, North Carolina.  North Carolina is my home and no matter where life takes me, North Carolina will always be home to me. I feel as if I have magnolias, peaches, sweet corn, half runners, dogwoods, rhododendrons, moonshine, dulcimers, potato cakes, biscuits and gravy, molasses, sweet tea, tomatoes, Duke's Mayonnaise and Wonder Bread, all running through my veins every minute of every day--and I love it!!  This girl is proud of her roots!

The rehabilitation part is a lot more complicated. You see, I got married when I was 21 years old. I've been married for 29 years--all 29 to the same man believe it or not. We have four beautiful children. (You will be hearing a lot about my "beautiful children" in the posts to come) :)   However, I'm about to be single again and I'm scared. I'm scared I'm not going to make it "out there."  Heck, I'm scared about the next few minutes!! I'm starting this blog as a way of chronicling my journey. Writing it down so I can go back and read about it, remember it. I am going to need proof that I survived this horrific life changing experience.

  I guess this next phase of my life is going to be called "rehab"... what am I going to do in rehab? How will the people I choose to have in my life help me? How will I let them help me? How am I going to help myself? Oh, I have choices to make, that's for sure... Am I going to let myself fall into a black abyss and drown in sadness and depression and loneliness?? (honestly, I know there will be days like this; there have been days like this) OR will I choose to fight this battle head on and take life by the tail and make sure I find happiness and contentment?? Time will tell, but this blog is going to provide therapy while I'm trying to figure it all out. I hope you will join me on the journey.



  1. Very nice blog name indeed. I will be glad to read of your journey. Just don't bore me. Oh, and not too much sad stuff. Let's keep this blog crap positive.


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