Merry Christmas from Us to You 2018

It's Christmas Eve! Where has the most wonderful time of the year gone? We had a monstrous snow about 3 weeks ago and it was so fabulous. It made things seem a bit more "like Christmas." Oh, how I would love a White Christmas. I think I've only had a WC maybe twice in my life at least that I remember. Three out of four of my children are home for Christmas and I am ever so thankful. I miss my #3 and wish he and his wife could be with us, but once one's children marry, then holidays are shared. I get it. I had to do it once upon a time as well. Before the real chaos of Christmas begins I wanted to share out our Christmas letter this year and our Christmas card. This is the easiest way I have time to "write to you" before the 25th. :) Katelyn wrote her Christmas letter and I wrote the "year in review" of each family member. I believe next year I will take back the job of the entire letter. Katelyn has been so good to write this for me the last 6 years. I need to get back to it. Perhaps she will start writing her family's Christmas note. :)

Our 2018 Christmas Card:

These are my people.

Katelyn's letter:

What does the magic of Christmas mean to you? For me, it brings everything back in to focus. Some might think all the hoopla, the stress of decorating, and the pressure to make everything perfect would make one lose an overall vision. Christmas isn’t about pressure or making everything perfect; it’s about love. 
2018 has been a long and hard year for my little family. We moved from Raleigh to Fayetteville. I traded my beloved city, job in politics, and community of friends for a military town, a stay-at-home job, and a town where I knew no-one. Why? Because love. In February, Nicholas and I were granted temporary emergency custody of the Ginger Minions, and that launched a custody battle that is still ongoing. The emotional toll court can take on a family is significant, but we keep fighting. Why? Because love. Nicholas was gone for 5-6 months this year, 4 months consecutively. It was hard on both of us. He was basically living in the woods away from his family, with no communication to the outside world, and I was left back at home living the same life with my husband missing. We pushed forward, learned new routines, and now are re-learning old ones. Why? Because love. 
We easily decided that focus was our word for 2018. We knew that our first year of marriage would have trials. We knew there would have to be some big decisions made on our future as a family, as well as the overall focus needed for Nick’s job. The biggest test of focus for both of us came when Nick left for Ranger School in July. We thought he would be gone for 62 days; he didn’t come home until November. 
During those 120 days, I realized a very important lesson. That in my quest for focus (read: absolute perfection in everything I could control, and all-out effort in everything else I couldn’t) I lost focus of myself. In losing all focus of myself, I slipped. Once I lost myself, I couldn’t focus on anything. Nick came home, and life was supposed to go on like normal, but I spent 4 months without being able to talk to my husband. What is normal?
Now the Christmas season has arrived, and with it the magic of the holidays. The lights, the trees, unwrapping each ornament and remembering every memory. I love the ornament our wedding photographer sent us last year. I remember being so cold but so happy at the same time. Focus. Our ornament from the Polar Express train ride. We did this on our honeymoon last year. Believe. Focus. This year we set up a tree in Cannon’s room and we let the kids decorate it all on their own. New memories. New traditions. Renewed focus
Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. Because love. She certainly had to have focus. There are a lot of scary things in adulting, but I’m pretty sure being visited by an angel and told you’re going to have God’s son is at the top of the “I didn’t expect this to happen,” list. Mary had to have focus when speaking to her husband, focus traveling to Bethlehem, and absolute focus giving birth in a manger. All because of love.
Another lesson I learned while thinking back on this year is that focus goes hand in hand with sacrifice. Some goals require less sacrifice than others, and in order to achieve something great and fulfill one’s purpose in life, there will be things to give up. Sometimes it’s giving up a job you love in your favorite city. Sometimes it’s sacrificing the comfort of your own home, food, and quality of life to pursue something greater than yourself. Sometimes it’s carrying the world on your shoulders as you bring to life the Son of God. Why? Because love.
I really pray though that in this coming year as you decide where your focus goes, the projects you hope to accomplish, the goals you set for your family, the trials you face… you don’t ever lose focus of yourself or lose sight of life’s greatest gift; love. So as this Christmas season comes and goes really think about what the magic of Christmas means to you. Don’t be consumed with the pressure the season can bring, but savor the traditions, spending time with your family, and sharing cherished moments. Because love. 


(I just copied and pasted the letter and this is the way it turned out. I'm not going to try and "fix it." Enjoy!)

2018 Bios:

                                                            Christmas 2018
 Jacob (22 yrs.): Jacob has had a big year. It started when he decided to take a job at Olympic National Park in Washington State at Lake Crescent Lodge. He left end of April and came home end of October. He had the time of his life out there. He worked in “Activities” which means he got to work outside all day and rent canoes, kayaks, boats and talk to people. He got out of his comfort zone and did something different. It was what he needed. He has fallen in love with “the West” and wants to go back as soon as possible. He says he feels different out there; he can breathe. He loves the hiking and all things outdoors. It’s all at his fingertips. He left Washington and went to Boulder, CO, to visit one of his friends for a week. After Boulder, he flew to San Francisco, CA, to stay with a couple he met while waiting tables at one of the other lodges. They struck up a conversation and invited Jacob to come to stay with them for a couple of weeks and tour the area. So he did. They live in Fairfax (beautiful community) and Jacob enjoyed another fantastic experience… he saw all the touristy things including Alcatraz, Lombard St., Fisherman’s Wharf, Golden Gate Bridge, a boat ride in the Bay, and more. Michael and Louise were wonderful hosts and so hospitable. They welcomed Jacob with open arms and I am thankful he got to experience the kindness of good people. He finally came home after being gone for 6 months and has been working on new plans, new adventures (possibly Montana). He has been working for a local mover helping out here and there. He also has a job with UPS being the driver’s side ride. He bought a car and will be driving out west. I am happy he has found something he loves to do. However, I will miss him so very much. Go Snake, Go! #adventuringhewillgo  

Jared (25 yrs) and Marenda: Jared is a CrossFitaholic. He loves working out and has started competing. He and his work out partner won 1st place in their first competition a couple of months ago. Jared and his workout partner competed again on Dec. 8th (his birthday). I got to go to this competition. We spent the day in Kentucky and I was so happy to share this special with him. He also ran a half marathon a few weeks ago and did great. He started a new job in November. He works at Mountain State Agency Alliance; he “helps independent insurance agents gain access to companies, increase their revenue, provide educational opportunities, and start their businesses.” His territory will include southern Ohio, all of West Virginia, and southwestern Virginia. Marenda is in her 2nd year of Pharmacy school at Marshall University. She also works for a nuclear pharmacy getting radiation readings off of the radioactive drugs to make sure they are safe before being sent out. She delivers the drugs to hospitals all over the tristate. Her hours are crazy—4am-12pm, then she goes to school from 1-5pm. She studies all the time and is making excellent grades. She has two more years until graduation. 

Katelyn (29 yrs) and Nick: Katelyn works for ICUC Social, a global social media company, and she is on the Starbucks engagement team (a social media thing). She can work from home or anywhere for that matter. K is also big into fitness and going to the gym. She is involved with some CrossFit action herself. She blows my mind with all the weight lifting stuff she does. Katelyn is such a good mom to Cannon and Ella. I watch her operate and I’m amazed. I’m very proud of her. Nick is Mr. Army and just recently graduated from Ranger School in Fort Benning, GA. A HUGE accomplishment and we are so very proud of him. Not every Army person can be a Ranger, ya know. Cannon (5) started Kindergarten this year. He is doing great and learning so much. I think he can color better than most adults! Ella (4) goes to preschool and is so tall. She loves playing with her baby doll and stuffed animals. She has a mini sloth bear that she and I lovingly named “Uncle John Robert.”  My Little Reds are the “delights of my heart” and being a Grammy is the best thing ever! The.Best.

John Robert (30 yrs.): How can it be that I have a 30-year-old child?? John has been working for a year for a local plumbing company in Austin, TX. He started as an apprentice; he got his drain tech license and is continuing to make his way to “Master Plumber.” It takes a few years. It is a good job; he has learned so much, but it is backbreaking labor and sometimes very long hours. John has an incredible work ethic; he always has. I have no doubt he will accomplish this Masters license. He found a small apartment very close to work and this makes life much easier for him. Austin traffic is a nightmare. He will be home for Christmas. I’m counting down the days! John has one cat of his own, Hekati, but has “adopted” 2 strays… Finn and Marcilene (Marci). These two live outside but they sure know where to go for food and some love.  I don’t know how it happened, but he is the cat lover in this family (along with Marenda) and usually prefers their company over most humans. 

Dawn: I changed schools again… this time it was my choice. I felt like I needed to “move on” and I am now teaching 3rd grade at another Title 1 school. It is hard and grueling (I’m not joking) and if I could do something else I would. However, I love the kids I have this year. I also chose to teach summer school for 4 weeks so that I could take a trip to Austin, TX, to see John Robert and to Washington to visit with Jacob. I was gone for almost 2 weeks and I had the best time. I loved spending time with my Bubba right where he lives. We visited some touristy spots, went out to eat and simply enjoyed our time together. I flew from Austin to Seattle where Jared joined me. My plane was several hours late so we met at our AirB&B then took off for the city. So much walking! We ate dinner by Puget Sound and it was delightful. The next morning we drove the 2 hours + a ferry ride to Port Angeles where we stayed at another fantastic AirB&B. Jacob stayed with us. From Port Angeles to where Jacob worked (Lake Crescent) was about a 25-minute drive. I have never seen such beautiful scenery! Being inside Olympic Natl Park was like being dropped into another world. Incredible beauty. I did some hiking but Jared and Jacob did MAJOR hiking. They jumped off a cliff into the very deep frigid water. I drove into the town of Forks (Twilight) just to say I saw it. We celebrated July 4th by watching the local parade then fireworks down by the water. One day we took a ferry over to Victoria Canada, walked all over downtown, spent the night in a hostel (yes, I did, folks), then a ferry back to PA. It is cold there even in July. The lodge had a fire going each night. I was home for 3 weeks then we left for Surfside Beach, SC, for our annual family vacation. We missed JR, Nick, and Jacob, but we had a grand time. The 2 Littles almost learned how to swim and Ella loved her naps by the ocean. Being with my children and grands is my favorite. My word for this year has been ‘purposeful.’ I chose it because I wanted to live and love the days gifted to me. Relationships are important to me. My children are my joy. I have tried to get to know me more. I don’t want to waste this time I’ve been given with frivolities and stuff that matters not one whit. People. Experiences. Faith. Doing. These things have been and will continue to be my purpose. I hope each one of you will have the Merriest of Christmases and a Blessed New Year in 2019. You are a star on my Christmas tree. 

Much love,

Dawn, John Robert, Katelyn, Nick, Cannon and Ella, Jared, Marenda, and Jacob… 

and the animals…Bailey, Sadie, Nala, Ophelia, Rudy, Oliver, Hekatie, Finn, and Marci too. 

So there you have it... our 2018 update. I send Christmas cards and letters each year. It is one of my most favorite things to do in December. I hope you and yours are experiencing wonders and magic and love and blessings this Christmas season. May your 2019 be full of good things. 

Treasure the next two days and ponder these things in your heart!


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