Airport Sitting

One year ago almost to the day, I was waiting in an airport waiting to take off for a 10-hour flight to Zurich then eventually to Cairo. This morning I'm sitting at the same airport waiting to board my flight to Austin, TX. I really do enjoy traveling but it's the "getting there" that is so stressful (or can be). I didn't pack anything until yesterday. I'm going to be gone for the next ten days. Kudos to me because I packed everything in a carry-on and a backpack!! Crazy! I'm getting really good at this packing thing. :) I felt like I was well prepared this time--much more relaxed than last year's panic because my alarm didn't go off and I had to practically turn myself into a magician to get there on time! I got up at 3:25 this morning, left my house by 4:30, arrived at a friend's house (left my car and hitched a ride) by 6:00, left their house by 6:15 and was dropped off at Charlotte International at 7:00am. I even got through security in a decent amount of time. Everything is going smoothly so far.

There's only one thing that could cause a hitch. I'm flying "non-rev"-- Stand-by if you will. I have a dear friend who graciously gave me a Buddy Pass for this trip so I could afford to do it. So I'm just sitting here at the airport waiting to see if my name flashes across the screen.

I've been to several different countries but I haven't been to a lot of great places in the US. I still have so many Bucket List places. This trip is to spend some quality time with my 3 boys. My oldest son, John Robert, lives in Austin, TX. He's been there since April of 2017 and I thought it was time I go see where my boy is living. I haven't seen him since Christmas. I've never been to TX other than an airport here and there. I'm looking forward to exploring Austin. I am leaving Austin and flying to Seattle. My youngest son, Jacob, is working in WA for the summer at Olympic National Park at one of the lodges there. He left April 26th. I've never been to WA either so I thought this is the perfect reason to go. My second son is meeting me in Seattle and going to spend the week with us as well. We are only staying in Seattle one night and going to explore all we can in a day and a half. We are then driving north to Port Angeles and staying a few days for some hiking and sightseeing in the Park. We are going to take a ferry to Victoria Canada for one night and try to see as much as we can in the short amount of time that we will be there. Jared and I fly back on a Red Eye flight on July 8th. It will be a whirlwind of a trip but I am so excited to go and see and do. I'm super happy that I get to spend this time with my boys. Memories for sure!

Traveling is hard work these days but so worth it in the end. Let's keep our fingers crossed that I get on that plane in a few minutes!!!

Happy Summer!

Other US Bucket List Places I hope to see one day:

Niagra Falls
Grand Canyon
Mt. Rushmore
St. Louis Arch
The Giant Redwood Forest in CA
Many of the National Parks
Other spots in Texas like Waco, Alamo

(that's a short list) ;o)


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