A Good Ole Snow Day!

Today was our first snow day of the year and let me tell you, all of NC is super pumped about it. (Ok, I can't speak for every person, but I know A LOT of happy folks today!) Winston-Salem got more snow than was predicted and it looks beautiful. Sooo beautiful. After the snow finally stopped, I would calculate 6-8 inches of glorious white snow for our area. You Northerners may think 6-8 inches is nothing, but down here in the South, it's enough for the governor to call a State of Emergency! School will probably be out for the rest of the week, so that makes three snow days for us. I am loving it right now, but you can bet I'll (all teachers) will be whining up a storm when we have to make up these days. I'm really going to try and remember this exultation today and NOT complain when we are going longer in June than we should be.

I woke up at 5:45 this morning, looked out the window and there was basically a ground covering of snow so I went back to bed with high hopes of waking up in a few hours with lots more snow on the ground. I was not disappointed. I got up at 9:00 and there was a lot of beautiful wonderful white snow and it was still falling and it kept falling until around 3:00 this afternoon. We had a brief time when no snow fell, but then it started again. I think the weather people were just as surprised as the rest of us. This much snow was not predicted for the Triad, but we will happily take it and more!!

Our county found out last night (miracle) that school would be canceled today. Let me just say, that as a teacher, this is cause for rejoicing and a fall down on your knees with gratefulness moment. We usually don't know if school is called off until "that morning," but finding out the night before made sleep so much sweeter. I felt no stress. I had no feeling of dread because my alarm was going to go off at 5am. What I felt was just complete relaxation. Today was the same. I wore my pajamas all day long. I didn't do one ounce of work...no school work, no housework. I was pretty much a couch potato, and I loved it. I gave myself permission to do nothing today and enjoyed it immensely. I finished watching Season 1 of The Crown on Netflix. Man, is that a good show!

I snuggled with Bailey, my new pup. I talked with Jacob and Jackson. I took a walk with Bailey around the neighborhood and I took snow pictures. I filled a bowl with snow and made Snow Cream (my favorite winter treat). It was just a good day. I still have Christmas trees up, but I don't care. I am loving the glow and comfiness of the lights especially with the snow and the cold temps. It's Christmas for me all over again!

School is canceled again tomorrow and I have a feeling Thursday is going to be much like Wednesday. A PJ wearing, TV watching, blog writing, make chili kind of day. I can't wait! We may not have school on Friday either, and that's not bad news in my book. I'm going to enjoy the mess out of these snow days and be thankful for this "time out." Sometimes we need to come to a complete stop in this crazy busy world of ours. Our bodies and minds need a break. Our God sees us running helter-skelter, hither and yon, and He sends us a blessing in disguise. It's called Snow. 

Enjoy the Snow Snaps:

View from inside the house this morning

Always for The Pack even when measuring the snowfall!

Bailey's not sure about all this white stuff but she sure wants to explore.

poor little Christmas tree

Appropriate flag, don't ya think? :)

Snow Cream-January 2018
Currently living in a Winter Wonderland and loving it!


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