Mountain Time

In February, I was fortunate enough to be able to spend a weekend in the mountains and then the very next weekend, I spent time at the beach (that post coming soon). What a fabulous winter break!

My friend, Katie and I, met in Highlands, NC, for a girls' weekend retreat. Katie and I have been friends since we were 15 years old. We were both born and raised in Asheville, NC. She now lives in Hendersonville, NC, and I live in Winston. For many years we have celebrated Christmas together, either she came to my house or I went to hers. However, this past year (2016), we were unable to do any Christmas celebrating. The weekend I had planned to go to Asheville, we ended up getting 9 inches of beautiful white snow (and our only snow this winter). Plus, every ounce of my Christmas spirit was zapped, gone, stolen due to the then "current circumstances." However, we sure made up for it in Highlands.

We stayed at this beautiful mountain lodge called Mitchell's Lodge and Cottages. We had "the deluxe room" complete with fireplace and a huge deck, although it was too cold to sit out there for very long. Katie had even brought a tiny Christmas tree with a few little decorations, and she set it on the table so we could put our Christmas presents "under" it. Breakfast was available in the main lodge each morning along with hot cookies and tea or coffee each afternoon. Quite delightful.

It was dark by the time I arrived in Highlands. Let me just say that the roads into this tiny little community are crazy curvy... one hairpin turn after the other with solid mountain on one side and a scary drop-off on the other. I was thinking how glad I was that I couldn't see that drop-off side. Katie was already checked in and settled when I got to the Lodge. We didn't go out to eat that night. Instead, we changed into our pajamas, turned on the fireplace, poured us a glass of wine and just settled in to visit with each other. We both brought snacks so that was our supper. :)

We enjoyed a very relaxing Saturday morning. We got some breakfast at the Lodge, opened a couple of presents, got dressed and went downtown. Downtown Highlands is very quaint. It has a lot of little unique shops. We walked up one side of the street and down the other, stopping wherever we wanted to stop. We ate a late lunch at a local pizza restaurant and the food was really good or either we were really hungry. After lunch, we went in search of the popular waterfalls in the area. It was way too cold to do any hiking, so we found the one right on the side of the road (literally). There was still a little bit of snow of on the ground; it was really pretty. We decided to be done with exploring for the day and headed back to the Lodge. Again, we decided to stay in instead of going out for dinner. We loved our cozy room and we still had presents to open. Katie always finds gifts for me that are "just right." What is funny is that oftentimes we buy each other the same gift or gifts that are very similar. It happens all the time. We have also sent each other the exact same birthday card, not once, but several times over the years. (both of our b'days are in November) I think it is a great testament to friendship to know each other so well.

Sunday morning, we ate breakfast at the Lodge and packed up our cars and headed home. She went down one side of the mountain toward Hendersonville and I went down the other side of the mountain headed for Winston-Salem. It was a great weekend spent with my great friend of so many years. Friendships take effort and in this crazy busy world we live in, it is so difficult to find the time or take the time to nourish relationships. However, it is one of the best gifts you can ever give, not only to the people you care about but to yourself as well. Building relationships--growing them, feeding them, watering them--we have to do it; it's what keeps our souls alive, renews our spirit, fills us with sunshine, gives us clarity, allows us to soar. Friendships are well worth the effort. The benefits are without measure/priceless. Time, quality time, is definitely my love language. :)

Some pictures of our mountain weekend:

Town of Highlands, NC

Katie and Me 

Hair Pin Curves every few feet!!

Until the next adventure...


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