Let Freedom Ring!

Happy July 4th, America!! Let Freedom Ring!!
I love July 4th! For Americans, it has great meaning! (or it should)  It is the celebration of our Independence Day. Freedom is a wonderful thing. Just the word "freedom" sounds wonderful. I am celebrating America's Independence Day at the beach this year. I also love the beach. :) I am here with my friend and her family. I actually ran away and she was kind enough to invite me to stay with her clan this week. (Friends. The salt of life--mine anyway.) 

I'm one of those people that are a firm believer in God, Family, Country. The colors of my blood are red, white and blue. I proudly wave my American flag in front of my home. I vote at every possible opportunity. I feel duty bound to do so. I know that the 2016 Presidential election is cause for great alarm and some will choose not to vote because they feel they cannot support either candidate. I can't do that. I will vote because I have the freedom and privilege to do so. I'm not happy with our choices. I mean, seriously. However, come November 8th, I will be at the polls. America has flaws and there is a lot not to be proud of right now but it is MY country. My home and she is beautiful and I love her. "Land of the free because of the brave." I believe that also. I appreciate our service men and women--past, present and future. Talk about sacrifice! So if you are in the military or ever have been in the military and you are reading my blog post, I salute you. I thank you. You are the true heroes! 

Tonight there will be a display of fireworks. I can't wait. I love fireworks! But before "tonight," we will gather our chairs, towels, bags, coolers, and books and spend all day sitting down by the ocean soaking up the sun, watching people, making comments, dipping in the ocean when we get too hot we can't stand it anymore, we will just enjoy being together down by the sea. It's what we like to do. Me? I could sit right there in my chair on the sand by the ocean All. Day. Long. For whatever reason, this is "my happy place." I know people say that phrase a lot-- "This is my happy place." 

Happy Places are different for different people and for different reasons. When I think about what makes me truly happy, calm, and peaceful, it is by the ocean. It's the sound of waves crashing to shore. It's the water. Ahhhh, the water with its ebb and flow; the feel of the water against my skin. Ocean water has healing properties. I'm convinced of it. Physical healing (that glorious salt water) as well as emotional healing (mind, body, soul). When life gets to be too much or when I'm dealing with some heavy stuff, I run to the ocean. I have to or else I feel like I am going to implode and lose my way. It's a need to regain balance in my life. It is a balm for my aching heart and believe it or not, once I can get to the sea and take deep breaths of the familiar salt air and feel the sand under my feet and put my toes in the water, and close my eyes to let it all sink in, I can literally feel my body relax from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I can feel the elephant rise off my chest and I begin to breathe again. It's like I've been holding my breath for a very long time--just waiting to exhale. The very first "exhale" just feels so darn good. 

Not all trips to the beach are for healing. I love being at the beach anytime. This trip, however, was a necessity. I needed to get out of town and be with people and stay distracted. I'm so thankful for my Browns who have allowed me to join in on their family vacation this week. Whew! You see, my ex got remarried on Saturday at "the lake"--a place I have loved since my brother in law first bought it years ago. July 4th was always a big weekend and our family would go for several days and play and celebrate together. All the kids went to the lake for the weekend and I knew I couldn't stay home; I needed to go and do something. So here I am at the beach!! Yay me for being proactive! And it's July 4th-Double Win! 
Family pic with the Browns. These people are GIANTS! 3 boys--6'5", 6'7", 6'9" and both parents are over 6' as well! WHAT???!!!!
We asked a "local" where the best fireworks are and she said "the Cherry Grove Pier." So that's where we decided we should go. Luckily, the pier is very near to where we are staying for the week. We knew there would be an insane number of people on the pier and near the pier, so we decided to take our chairs (and Granny in her wheelchair) to the beach area right in front of our condo. We got there about an hour and a half early so we just plopped down and did some people watching, talked, rested, and watched the sun disappear behind the cloud. It wasn't a hardship! The fireworks were good and lasted a good 30 minutes. I thought how thankful I am to live in America and how easy it is to go anywhere in America and watch fireworks displays just like this one. People all gathered together, cheering, smiling, simply enjoying the moment...and Summer. It's good times. Real good times. Here are a couple of pictures of our view as we waited for the fireworks to start. Look left and find the light. This is the end of the pier where they shot of the fireworks. 

I've been to the beach many times by myself. I don't mind it at all. However, this time, it was good to come with friends. Sometimes ya just need your people. I do get up much earlier than these folks and I really prefer it. I love to make my coffee and take it out on the balcony to just sit and be still for awhile. It is totally therapeutic! I need some quiet time in the mornings. I am a "slow waker-upper." I don't want any talk. I just want to BE. Sometimes I will sit and stare out at the ocean and ponder its enormous power and simply listen. Sometimes I pray, sometimes I read or write notes/letters to friends and sometimes I will eat delicious southern grown peaches and write blog posts. Like I said, this is my happy place. 

In just a few weeks I will be back with my own children. We have planned a week of family vacation together. I told the kids, "We need to start making our own traditions. I don't have a lake house or a camper or a cabin or anything else, but I can do this." So all five are coming at some point during the week. There will be a few days where all of us will be together and that's my objective. Togetherness. Keep the fire going and the love alive! I've discovered that when parents pay, the kids will come. #truth and #itsmypleasure

Another July 4th is in the history books. Memories were made and memories will continue to be made the rest of the week. Even though there are thoughts/emotions swirling all through me, I feel good about where I am and who I'm with this week. I am at the beach; I live in the greatest country on earth. I am with some of my most favorite people in the world. I am happy. I am FREE in every sense of the word!!! YEEEHAW!!!

 God Bless Us One and All and God Bless the USA!!!



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