In Bloom

It's Spring time... I love the Spring. It is my favorite season. Everything comes back to life. The birds start their incessant singing, the grass starts growing again and the sounds of lawn mowers can be heard throughout the neighborhoods. The trees start their beautiful blooming process. Oh, how I love the Dogwoods when they begin their show of gorgeous pinks and whites. The Dogwood trees are my absolute favorite, but my, the Red Buds! Early Spring signs are the yellows of Spring... the Forsythia bushes and the Daffodils. Tulips, Irises, Pansies, Geraniums, Daisies, Rhododendrons, Mountain Laurels, all those beautiful flowers, are like food for the weary winter soul.

Spring is a Rebirth. A time to start fresh, brand new. The barren days of Winter are over and it is as if the earth becomes reenergized and awakens with vim and vigor. The height of Springtime is a heady feeling. I can't get enough of it. Extraordinary colors can be found everywhere one looks. My world becomes a virtual rainbow and I am happy. My step quickens and is more energetic. I want to be outside in the sunshine and the warm air, go for walks and meet my neighbors. I actually enjoy mowing my yard because it isn't so godawful hot yet. Easter is a springtime event. I love Easter. Easter is a symbol of Resurrection--death to life. I also like to think of Spring as a personal rebirth. A time for me to bloom again so to speak. Sweep out the cobwebs and the dead brittle leaves of those long cold months and do some things differently, change some colors, do some weeding out and planting of new seeds. Learn something new. Allow room for whatever could be coming my way. I want to be ready for it and be able to recognize it when it does find me. I feel like it's time to clean the glass so I can see the sparkle and shine of whatever opportunities are out there for me. Let's face it. During the winter months we tend to close up and stay more "inside" ourselves. We just want to stay warm and go to bed at 7:00 due to that horrendous time change. So for me, Spring not only brings a season change, but a heart and mind change as well. I welcome it with open arms!

I went for a walk this evening after I got home from work. I quickly changed my clothes and put on my tennis shoes and I made sure my phone was adequately charged so I could take pictures of Spring, or at least what I think of as Spring. The temperature was a bit chilly but the walk through my new neighborhood was completely enjoyable. I'm keeping an eye out for houses for sale. I don't know if this is the area where I want to buy a house, but it could be; it's a wonderful place to live. I met some of the nicest people on my walk. I was taking pictures and walking along the sidewalk and at just the perfect moment a girl/woman steps out of her house to water some plants and she says, "Hello" to me. I usually say "hello" and keep on walking but I got a good vibe from her. Her name is Erin. Her husband is a resident at the nearby hospital and they are from Texas and have lived in NC for 3 years. I asked her about some signs I had been seeing in people's yards and I mentioned that I wanted to find out more about the topic. (Fundraiser for ovarian cancer). She took me across the street to meet some other neighbors, Tom and Candy, and we all just started having the most wonderful conversation. It was fun and I think I was meant to go for a walk tonight and I was meant to meet these very lovely people at just that time. I've walked that same path several times and have never met one soul. I did today. :) And who knows, maybe we will become friends in the coming days. It felt just that right.

I will leave you with some beautiful photos I took while out walking around the 'hood. Welcome to Spring time in North Carolina. Grab some sweet tea and relax and simply enjoy God's handiwork.

I call this The Magic Tree. I felt like I was walking into Fairyland.
I wish you could see the lights. The lights go very high up into the tree and are strung along many of the branches. It looks magical and I love it! 

Dogwood tree, Magnolia tree, the American flag and a great front porch. It doesn't get much more Southern than that! Well, a couple of rocking chairs and some Mason jars full of sweet tea would make this setting absolutely perfect.

If Spring hasn't sprung where you are just yet, I sure hope you get it soon. It will change your whole outlook on life! :) 

Spring in North Carolina... I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world right now. 
Take care and thank you for stopping by for a bit,


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