Christmas Party 2015

Welcome, Friends...

Three years ago I started hosting a Girlfriend's Get Together at Christmas time. Initially I started it because I wanted to thank all the girlfriends in my life who helped me get through what was then, the worst year of my life. You can read about the first get together here.These girls were there for me in word and action, and I just wanted to find a way to express my heartfelt gratitude to as many as possible at one time. I also wanted my different sets of friends to meet. I talk about everyone at different times to different people. I wanted folks to be able to finally put a face with a name. The 2013 party was hugely successful and so when 2014 rolled around, I decided I wanted to do it again, and then 2015 and so on. Now I think it has become something my friends look forward to each year.  

As I was contemplating what to do for this year's party, I searched Pinterest for party ideas (let's just give an ol' shout out for Pinterest! It's the absolute greatest thing EVER) and something that kept recurring over and over again was a "My Favorite Things" Party. I decided that is what I would do. It fit perfectly with my purpose. These women are my favorites so stands to reason I should have a "My Favorite Things" Party. The colors I chose for the decorations were hot pink and gold with a common thread that these women were like "gold" to me. Invitations were sent along with instructions on what to do pre-party. Each person was to bring two presents. The items were to be the exact same thing but put in separate decorative bags. The items had to be a "favorite thing" under $7 each. An example might be: favorite lip gloss, favorite lotion or body wash, favorite nail polish and so on. Once  all gathered together, each person draws two names and gives their favorite thing gifts to those two names. Each person was also to bring a favorite quote to share with the group. It never hurts to be inspired, encouraged, uplifted, reminded of what is important in this life. Things get totally off the charts busy, harried and crazy, in December. So some good words go a long way sometimes. I also sent out a list of questions ahead of time. Each guest filled out a "My Favorite Things" sheet. Things like "What is your favorite movie, food, Hollywood Hunk, place to visit, band, book, restaurant, and so on? We learned some new things about our friends that we otherwise might not have known. It was really fun and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. 

I had worked like a mad woman getting my house in order--Christmas decorations out, beds changed, bathrooms cleaned, groceries stocked up, menus planned for all meals, etc... I even took a day and a half off from work to get it all done. It was happy work and this event was something I had been looking forward to for months. Some of my dearest friends were coming to spend the weekend with me and exciting fun times were just ahead. I will have to say, my house looked like a Christmas Wonderland. This old house that I'm renting is perfect for Christmas decorations. One of my friends took some great pictures during the party. I hope you enjoy looking through them. Most in attendance for the party were local friends; my weekend Peeps came in from Asheville and Charlotte, NC, Mt. Pleasant and Lexington, SC. Girlfriends since high school and one friend since we were 8 years old. 

We had a blast together. We talked into the wee hours; we cooked together and ate together; we opened A LOT of bottles of wine. We cried together, prayed together, gave of ourselves each to the other and it was good, real good. The five of us aren't together that often (sadly), but when we do get together, it's an all out party lovefest. It's as if no time has been between visits. We just pick up where we left off and then we are on GO from that second forward. 

So in essence, what I'm telling you is that the weekend was great, the party was awesome, the people who were there are some of my closest/dearest friends, there were some "newbies" to this year's party and I liked that... new friends to intermingle with the old. Next year they will be "old" friends. I certainly missed the friends who couldn't be at the get together. I am thankful for the constancy and continuance these sisters provide. It is an immeasurable gift to have people in one's life who are faithful and unchangeable. I love that word, faithful. The definition of faithful is to be steadfast in affection or allegiance, loyal. Isn't that an awesome definition? I am blessed with faithful friends. My house looked fabulous and I felt good within its walls. I felt at home and comfortable and very Christmasy. 

I found this on the ground at the start of our Girl's Weekend! A great sign I would say! 
Fletcher and Burbs
First night fun! So good to be together. 
Pre-Party Selfie... Bring on the fun!

3 different types of Brie made by my friend, BP... delicious!
la-la-la...We are fam i ly... I got all my sisters with me! 

Sunday leave pictures on the Bridge at Old Salem
a late night decorating selfie
(I have tried 100 times to edit these photos to get rid of "the black parts" but my uncooperative computers will not allow it) Sorry for the picture quality. 
Yes, I really did have 6 Christmas trees located throughout my house! 
4 of my most treasured ornaments... Baby's 1st Christmas Pictures.

Moravian Stars hang outside homes all over Winston-Salem, especially at Christmastime. 

Some hot pink and gold-this is one of my favorite photos. I don't know why other than it makes me happy to look at it. I feel like a pretty party is about to happen when I see it. It says, "Let's Celebrate!" 
Now it's on with 2016!! Remember, I said my New Year will start again on Feb. 1?! :) Forge ahead! Make plans. Have goals. Strive to reach those goals. Look forward to what's ahead and believe that it's going to be good, nah, not just good, but amazing! 2016, you are my year! Let's you and me do the Tango and make great things happen!

I'm in. Are you?



  1. This was such a fun night! Your house was beyond magical. It was beautifully decorated, felt bursting with love and warmth. And you know it was all because of YOU-your hard work, enthusiasm, persistence, loyalty, and your dedication to your friends. This is truly a gift of yourself and it IS appreciated and cherished!
    Thank you for being you❤️

  2. How stunning this Christmas Bash was!! That Christmas tree is so pretty. You know in our Office Christmas, there was a huge Xmas tree. It was the biggest Xmas tree we all saw in the party. It had been decorated by the corporate event planning firm that our boss hired for the arrangements. They did each and every arrangement so brilliantly!!

    1. Thank you. Christmas decorations are my favorite. :)

    2. Thank you. Christmas decorations are my favorite. :)


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