Love Fall. Love November. Love Thanksgiving.

Fall used to be my least favorite season. The weather starts getting cooler, the leaves fall off all the trees resulting in "skeletons" all over the place, and the dark gray winter season will soon follow. The number one thing that I have always hated about Fall is the time change. I am ready for bed by 7:00pm because it gets dark so early. When darkness happens by 5:30 each night, it does something to one's psyche! I still hate the time change, but my attitude towards Fall has changed tremendously. Fall is my 2nd favorite season.There is a feeling of warmth and coziness that gradually creeps in and everything begins to feel like a soft colorful blanket. I love November because it is my birthday month; it is the birthday month of several friends and family members; it is the month that my house absolutely looks the prettiest and feels the most coziest and comfiest it ever feels (OK,Christmas probably trumps Fall decor, but Fall decor makes me feel really good too); it is the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving and I know that when it's Thanksgiving, all of my kids will be with me. This year I am playing hostess to all of my brothers and their spouses and some of their children as well. If all show up as planned, there will be 14 people around my Thanksgiving table this year. I CAN'T WAIT!!

November also gets me in a very thankful state of mind. I should be in a "very thankful state of mind" all of the other 11 months of the year, but I guess the Thanksgiving season brings it more to the forefront of my mind.. The last few days I have been thinking about what/and/or  who I am truly thankful for... I could make a long list of things I'm thankful for, but when the rubber meets the road, it's the PEOPLE in my life who bring me to my knees with total heartfelt gratitude. In fact, I am completely humbled by their gifts to me--their love, friendship, loyalty, trust, generosity, concern, willingness to do whatever needs doing and just the fact that they are in my life at all is more than I deserve. I love my PEOPLE.

There have been times the last few weeks that I have felt some knife stabbing heart pain. The "low times" come in waves and sometimes the waves are only slightly rolling and I can still stand up and all that happens is my toes sink in the sand a little bit. Some days the waves roll in a bit stronger and I feel myself being rocked, having to step back to keep my balance and then there are some days when the waves come barreling in and completely knock me down and grab a hold of me and suck me under the water and toss me about so that I am unable to regain my balance until I feel like I'm going to be taken out to sea. The current is so strong and the pull is so great that sometimes I feel like I'm just not going to make it back to the shore... but I do. I get back on my feet and out from under the water due in large part to my People. They throw me a life line, something I can grasp and hold on to, and they start pulling me back to shore, oftentimes completely unbeknownst to them. It may be a phone call out of the blue, a funny card I get in the mail, a text full of encouraging words and "how are you doing? You've been on my mind." Maybe it's a visit, or a bridal shower, or a winery tour, or dinner out, or a quick conversation at school, or a weekend trip to the beach, an overnight at a friend's house in Asheville (home), or a poster sized print that says, "The Mountains Are Calling and I Must Go"-a Peep gave to me b/c we have a common thread-home-and she knows how much we both love that place. A day spent at the Southern Living Christmas Show in Charlotte with approximately 1 billion other humans shoulder to shoulder all trying to see all there is to see and finding a small spot to sit on the floor to eat our lunch and catch up. The kindness and generosity of a friend dropping off cupcakes, b'day plates and juice boxes for a little girl in my class who didn't even know it was her birthday until I told her that morning. (my heart skipped 3 beats that day) It's the little 5 year old adorable Hispanic boy that comes up to me with arms wide open and says, "I want a hug." It's 9:30pm and I am just rolling into N. Myrtle Beach and 2 of my friends call me and tell me they are willing to go to a local beach bar to hear a band I am dying to hear (this is very much out of their comfort zone, but b/c I wanted to go, they said, "lets do it." By the way, the local bar is called "Ducks" and the band is Blackwater Rhythm and Blues. They are fantastic! It was great fun and I so appreciated their willingness to step out of the box for me. Sometimes it is simply the thought of My People that brings me back to a place of "everything's gonna be alright." (insert Bob Marley here)

I have said it a hundred times before but I do have the BEST People in the entire world. I am eternally thankful for all of the people God has placed in my life. Many people have just passed through my life, but they have left an indelible impression and were just what I needed at that specific time. Some are simply acquaintances but have made my life richer by their presence. Some are "silver" friends, meaning we are friends but we don't see each other often; we don't hang out on a regular basis; we stay in contact but it's not that deep sisterhood/brotherhood friendship. We know we are only a phone call away. And that's OK, because these people give me/give each other just what is needed. I love my Silver Peeps and I know they love me too. I am a better person from having them in my life. I also have people who I consider the Gold friends. The friends whom I would give my life for and vice versa. The friends who save me from the Dark Hole. The friends who are my rescuers, confidants, partners in crime, the "I've got your back" friends, the steady, loyal, completely trustworthy, I would bleed for you friends. Gold. Solid precious Gold. It is my Gold Friends that keep my world spinning on its axis and keep me from spinning totally out of orbit. I could not live this life without the Gold.These are the friends that I know will be with me for forever. I mean the kind of friends that will get down in the mire and wallow with me, walk along beside me as I sorrow or as I celebrate, love my kids as if they were their own, break the rules with me, laugh until our sides split, drink with me and if I've drunk too much, these friends will take care of me or get right there with me! These friends have dance parties with me, sing in the car with me, come see me when I'm sick in the hospital or actually come get me from the hospital and take me home. These friends drive 2 hours to come to my dad's visitation and funeral. These friends help me move and pack and unpack and move again and will do it again as many times as I need them to. They will help me paint my house. They will bring me dinner and little treats all through out the year. They will fight for me when I've "lost my job." I mean go toe to toe with the Powers that Be! These folks take no prisoners and I am more than proud to have them in my corner! These people encourage me, tell me if I'm being stupid, give me advise or sit silently listening to my rantings as I vent about this or that. They will listen to me cry when my heart is broken and I will know that their heart is broken too because they love me. The Gold will go to Vegas with me to celebrate my 50th b'day. The Gold will pinky swear to do a Thelma and Louise if we both lose our minds before our bodies wear out. The Gold will take my then 13 year old son shopping for his birthday b/c I couldn't take him. The Gold will let me stay at their lake house or beach house free of charge when I need to escape from reality. Some of the Gold have been in my life since I was a young girl, some entered when I was in high school, some in college and the rest came into my life at various ages and stages. I am still making Gold friendships. It's amazing how God works all that out for us. He knows how important relationships are in this life, and how much we need people in this very broken world we live in. He knows who I'm going to need to survive it. What a comfort knowing He cares for me THAT MUCH!!

I really hesitate to name names because I'm afraid I might forget someone but I am going to try b/c it is Thanksgiving after all, and I am forever thankful for the people in my life. Not to mention most of the people listed here will never read this anyway b/c they don't know it's here. :) These people have been such a blessing to me and many many times, my saving grace. I would be remiss not to mention my family, my literal blood family... bone of bones, flesh of my flesh, etc... I had a very large family growing up. My grandmother was one of 12 siblings so you can imagine the number of aunts, uncles and cousins I had/have. Only a very few are left now and only a handful are close to me. So to my family, I thank you, for loving me, taking care of me and for being in my corner...Kelly, Jeff and Aunt Bet, Uncle Bruce and Debbie, Allen, Travis, Blane, Gary, Charlie,my brothers whom I adore-Ray, John, and Jeff. The 3 of them are a bright light that came into my life and I am so grateful. I must mention my aunt. She was there for me throughout my childhood and beyond. We certainly have our differences but I don't doubt her love for me. Of course, my children, but that's a whole other ball of Thankfulness and deep deep love. I will have to write about them in a separate post one day. My four children are my heart and soul, the great loves of my life, the best gifts I have ever received and they are my most priceless treasures. Someday I will tell you about each of them.

So, if you are one of My Peeps and you are actually reading this (and I know you know who you are), please know I love you with every fiber of my being. I am truly and eternally thankful for you. I couldn't live this life without you. You have given me untold gifts and have filled my heart and soul with your presence and your love for me. I could never ever repay you for all you have given me. My heart swells to nearly bursting at the remembrance of you. You really have no idea of your impact on my life. I'm trying to tell you here, just a little bit, but it's so much bigger than these words can convey. Thank you, just Thank you. Know that I am the blessed one. I am the fortunate one to call you my friend, my sister, my brother, my surrogate mom or dad, my family, my heart...

Ecclesiastes 3:1
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."

I am thankful for these folks who stepped in and became like parents to me and took me under their wing and taught me, loved me, protected me, gave me refuge and a safe place to land so many times. How lucky was I! How lucky I am!!
Jerry and Becky McKinney, Paul and Janice Bishop, Claude and Janet Norman, Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, Cook and Betty Lundeen, Mr. and Mrs. Porch, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold.

Teachers in my life that left an indelible mark on my life... changed me, molded me, loved me...
Sherry Long, PHirt, Renita Morgan, Mr. Fary.

Here's to the rest... the pass throughs, the copper, the silver, the gold, the ones that are even more than gold...
Anna, Tiffy, Myrtle, Clara, Becky, Tracy S, Cherilyn, Cindy, Joyce, GF, DE, Fletcher, BP, RB, Fibs, Burbs, Suse, Katie, Brown, Logan, G Girl, CSC, SPV, Ashley, PPC, KISSpo, Pouter, Gina,Tracy M., Pete,Tracy H., Amy, David, BC, RockMan, Bob, Danny, FAM, Kelly, Weezy, Cynthia, Donny, Sherileigh, Merritt, Barr, Skinner, Lee, Krystal, Kim, Ro, Beth, JJ, Goo, Bay, Pick, Suzanne, Susan, Goss, 'Liscious, Voss, Neanie, Frannie, Angie, JRC, Mark, KellyRae, Kay, Dora, Cydney, Christi, Kara, Julie, Phil, Carol,Kelly N., DC, Mike, Lori, L, Davis, Kim B.,Nellie, Lori McG., Stacey, Eman, Fatin, Flo, Magda, Scott, Charlie, Michael, RC, GH, Diane, Laura, Doris, Kim, Andy, Janet D., Edna, Donna, Stephanie, Anita K., Michelle, Ted, Michelle K., ...and I am sure I've forgotten some, but God knows their names b/c they are in my heart. Truly, one person could not have better, more sincere, loyal and loving friends than I. My cup runneth over. These folks fill my tank.

November... my favorite month. Please be thankful for the people in your life. Be thankful for your multitude of blessings that you receive each and every day. Try to be conscious of the good in your life, the things you rarely think about, the things that escape you, but for the next few weeks make it a priority in your every day thinking to be mindful about what you are truly thankful for in your life. If it is people, tell them. Don't let one day, one minute, one second go by without telling them. We never know when our last moment on this earth will be so make all your moments count for something! Love your People. I certainly love mine.

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."  Philippians 1:3

And I do!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Happy November! Happy Fall!


  1. Nice read. I am sure that so am lead or some tin, but I will take it anyway. You are worth all the tin I have. You need to add a "subscribe" button on your page so people can know when you post.
    Lyltmi hbdf

    1. You are GOLD to me, my friend!!! xoxoxo Thank you for the birthday wishes.
      I have a "subscribe by email" button on my page! I see it. Don't you??

    2. You are lucky. Nice trick. Adding that on at the last minute was very clever indeed.

  2. You are my Angel :) LYTTMAB


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