On Being a Teacher in the Wintertime

I am a teacher. I teach Kindergarten at a really great school here in Winston-Salem. I have 23 5/6 year olds. Thankfully, I also have an assistant who happens to be a very good friend as well.  Whew! This is my fourth year teaching Kindergarten. I taught 4th grade for 10 years. The switch was nothing short of a very long nightmare of Alfred Hitchcock proportions. However, now I love teaching Kindergarten. My job is more missionary work (due to the hideous low salaries we make) but the rewards are very high. Very. At least I think this 95% of the time. :)

Recently, we had two straight weeks of some bad weather here in North Carolina. It is nothing compared to our friends north of the Mason Dixon Line, but when it happens, the state shuts down. HA Our governor even declared a State Emergency on the day "it" was all gonna start but nothing had even happened yet! It was kind of funny. (only in NC)  So anyway, due to this bad weather, school was closed 7 out of 10 days. Yes, you heard me correctly. SEVEN DAYS in TWO WEEKS. We got snow. We got ice. I didn't complain not one day of those 7 glorious days we had off from school, but here's the kicker... we will have to make them up and guess when that will be? The days will be added on to the end of the year!! Here we go! School till mid June. Let me just say we had to do the same thing last year and it was AW--FUL! After Memorial Day, the kids have checked out. They are into summer mode. Testing is over. What else is there to do? So those additional days become the bane of a teacher's existence. We become glorified babysitters. Oh, the complaining is in full bloom at this point! It's crazy how the system operates.

For now though, we sure enjoyed those Snow Days. We waited for a long time for that first real snowfall. It started snowing around 9:30pm on a Wednesday and continued into the early morning hours. When I woke up there was 5 inches of snow on the ground. It was so beautiful. The trees were heavily laden with snow and everything looked like a Winter Wonderland. Here are some pictures:
Grocery store line on "that" Wednesday! Insanity! This is totally true!
(Dude right there needs to totally pull up his pants!)
This has got to be one of my favorites! Check out that NC flag waving proudly in the background and that dusting of snow!!  We have to get our MILK and BREAD! haha
This is what I saw out of my bedroom window when I woke up. Woohoo! 
My grand dog, Sadie. She LOVED the snow!!
So pretty and deep enough to make Snow Cream! YUM! I made TWO bowls!

The weather in North Carolina could be considered "bi-polar." It's up and down like a roller coaster. For example, just a few days after all that glorious snow, we had a beautiful sunny 70 degree day-March 4th. Crazy. On March 5th, the temp had dropped to 38 degrees and by March 6th, we were in the frozen Tundra again with a temperature of 22 degrees!! Not even kidding! It happens like that all.the.time.  One day we might have on shorts and a T-shirt and the next day we've got on our hats, gloves and parka. Craziness. But oh, how I do love calling North Carolina home! 

We have actually been back to school now for two straight weeks-- all ten days. The kids still haven't gotten back into the full swing of things since the Snow Days. They act like it's the 19th day of school instead of the 119th day of school!  In two weeks we will have our Spring Break throwing them off yet again. It's all good. We finally got SNOW! These sweet Littles couldn't have been happier and you know what, we teachers were pretty happy too. 

Now, bring on Spring, please! 


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