After Rain Comes Sunshine...

Every cloud must have a little rain.

I know the last post had a whole lot of "serious." It is what it is though. This journey is a lot like mountains and valleys. I've had and do have very high mountain top days and there are times I've had and continue to have some low valley days. It's inevitable. One cannot live life without some dark rain clouds from time to time. There is just no way to stay "high" every single minute of every single day. Impossible.

I purchase a new Planner every year b/c I have to be able to write things down and see it on paper versus the "new way" of keeping everything on one's phone calendar. I like to doodle and make things look pretty. For this year's Planner Cover, I chose "My Favorites" design. I came up with a list of some of my favorite things and the list was printed on the cover. I love it!! I had the best time thinking of things that are my favorites. Typing them out and reading them improved my mood; it helped clear away the gray clouds. I found myself smiling as I typed. Each favorite thing brought back a ton of memories. I could probably write an individual post about each thing on the list. A great deal of my life is on the cover of my Planner. It's rich. It's good stuff. I think it's worth sharing. Maybe it will inspire you to make a list of some of YOUR Favorite Things! This is by no means a comprehensive list. I only just got started...

A few of my favorite things...

sunshine, laughter, soccer, peanut butter, peanut butter and chocolate ice cream, sunrises, sunsets, dancing to the music, Watauga Lake, sailboats, sea glass, good books, wine, Blue Ridge Mountains, my 4 children, long walks on the beach, Oak Island, roller coasters, strawberries, Asheville, gardenias, fresh cut flowers, Kindergarten, blogging, hanging with my friends, peaches, country music, fried chicken, picnics, holding hands, The Pledge of Allegiance, my brothers, Fripp Island, Christmas, snow, chubby baby legs, the smell of freshly baked bread, candles, things that go really fast, men in uniform, North Carolina, Moravian Stars, fireplaces, hot chocolate with Peppermint Schnapps, kisses, hand written letters, BLT's, full moons, starry nights, James Taylor, pimento cheese, Mt. Dew, Duke's mayonnaise, bubble baths, Washington, D.C., snow cream, quality time, Atlantic Ocean, shrimp, dogwoods, sarcasm, sleeping with the fan on, back rubs, blackberry cobbler, Sunset Beach, hugs, babies, coffee, naps on a rainy day, lighthouses, mermaids, seahorses, concerts, corn on the cob, The Biltmore House, road trips, the Bellagio Fountains, movies, buttered popcorn, caramel, America, mountain cottages, the color red, Fall in NC, biscuits and gravy, cheese, owls, Elvis. 

Yep, so that's what is on my Planner and I see it every day. How could I not be happy when I read over all these wonderful things?! 

And just as an update to the last post, my test results came back and for now, it's all good. I will have a repeat test in one year. Apparently this is a sort of "common thing" and nurse told me that sometimes the body absorbs the bad cells and it all takes care of it itself. That is what I'm hoping. Anyway, it's something I don't have to worry about right now. Thank the Lord. 

My aunt spent 7 days in ICU and has been moved to the Step Down Unit. I've been in discussions with one of the hospital case managers about where to send her when she is discharged from the hospital. She is just not well enough to go back home. She will be going to a skilled nursing facility for short term rehab. I am hoping it will be a short stay. 

My son's blood test showed negative for diabetes... a prayer answered, however he does have a couple of other issues that he will need to address.  So the days have passed since my feelings of complete overwhelming-ness and I have managed to stir up some sunshine and pour it over my head. Like I said, I will have dark days but thankfully the dark days are temporary. When the darkness comes, I just need to grab my people and hold on till the cloud passes. It WILL pass. 

Make your list! I'm going to keep adding to mine...


  1. 1. Your list is not in alphabetical order 2. There are capitalized and uncalitalized scattered throughout 3. Some of your favorite things do not match up with the color they should be matched up with. Moral of the story is that your planner cover sends me into a panic attack. I still love you though.


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