Those Christmas Letters I Told You About

In my previous post, "A Different Kind of Christmas," I told you I would post the two Christmas letters written by my daughter, Katelyn. Here they are and I would also like to share a link to HER blog. She is a very good writer and has a sarcastic wit that you will find quite humorous. She is a young professional 25 year old, trying to find her place in this world. She writes about her journey. It's good stuff.


Katelyn here. I took it upon myself this year to write the Christmas letter for the Garlow’s as testament to my Mother and all of that Christmas Spirit she instilled in me that she didn’t know I had. For the Garlow’s, 2013 has been all about change. Some change we have welcomed with open arms, and other changes could have been accepted with a little more grace. Even though this is my first attempt at this whole Christmas letter thing, I think I have a pretty good grasp on how it goes. Every Christmas I always sneak down to my Dad’s office and read all of the Christmas letters from years past, and soak up the history of my family and what Christmas was like before I could remember.

As we know, every year has its theme, and to me this year would be “Life Happens.” It was a year where our plans were not in accordance with God’s plans, and He let us know who was in charge. Though some days are very much harder than others, and there are those perfect days that always get thrown in (though never on a Monday), I have challenged myself to find God in the daily and mundane. Whether it is finding God in the sunshine when I just really needed a pretty day, or when I find God in a friend who knows just the right things to say. I also find God when I walk into the woods and see His creation. There is no place I feel closer to Him than in the mountains surrounded by His beauty. After all, I am my mother’s daughter.
And this is the part of the Christmas letter where you are challenged for the upcoming year. I challenge you to find God in the small things. When your day isn’t going as planned or you spilt your coffee on that new outfit; find God in those moments. For Christians, it’s easy for us to see God during the Holiday season, though we can get lost in the shuffle at times. I urge you to look for Him in the situations where it might not be so easy. On the days where you’re late, you get a piece of bad news, you stub your toe on the end of your bed, your bank account goes down to $1.00 before your next paycheck hits in three days, when you get in a fight with your parents or kids… There are endless situations where God can get lost in the shuffle. Don’t let life's happenings allow you to lose focus on what matters, on God’s little moments and blessings in your life.

Let’s recap the Garlow’s 2013!

John Dale: Dad still works as a pharmaceutical sales rep for Astellas here in Winston-Salem. He is doing a great job, and is actually battling another rep for the top spot in his division! Winner gets a trip to Hawaii. So let’s get to crossing those fingers, I have already called dibs on that trip. ;) His favorite non-working activity would be playing golf every chance he gets. Even though he plays a whole lot of golf, at least he wears his NC State windbreaker while doing it. I spend most of my free time with my Dad watching football and talking about sports. It’s nice to have those moments with my Dad. Even though the talking consists of yelling at the TV and my Dad questioning my genes as a Patriots fan, we still have a good time.

Dawn: Mom is still teaching kindergarten this year at Meadowlark Elementary School. This is her 3rd year teaching this grade, and I have got to say, she has developed a knack for teaching the itty bittys. Her kids adore her, and she was nominated for Teacher of the Year this year! Also, I am finding out that my mother is Clemmons Royalty after moving back this year and working at the Y. There is not a week (more than likely a day) that goes by where a stranger doesn't come up to me and just screams, “OH MY GOSH! ARE YOU DAWN GARLOW’S DAUGHTER!?” Do you see my face? Yes, I am Dawn Garlow’s daughter. People these days.

John Robert: Good ole Bubby. John (I have been told I am not allowed to introduce him as John Robert anymore. LOL) has taught me a lot about hard work this past year. During the summer he got a job at Baptist Hospital working in Customer Service, and did such a fabulous job, the new Davie Hospital stole him away for their Customer Service department. He still holds his part-time job with Domino’s pizza and works 7 days a week every single week. Thanksgiving was his first day off in over two months! Older brothers always have the habit of teaching their younger siblings life lessons, and John Robert has most definitely taught me how to work hard at everything I have the opportunity to do.

Katelyn: Well, I guess it is my turn. Last year around this time I moved back to North Carolina from Washington D.C. and held up residence in Raleigh for a few months. In February of this year, I moved back to Winston-Salem and took a position as the Associate Aquatics Director at a local YMCA. It’s not as glamorous as D.C. but I am happy knowing the people I love, and those that love me are so close. This summer I moved into my first “just me” apartment! Sadie and I live in a one-bedroom apartment (more like glorified hallway) in Downtown Winston-Salem, where we are just a hop and a skip away from the best coffee shop in town, and the occasional night out. Let’s just say, I will never live with a roommate ever again.

Jared: Little J has been hard at work as a sophomore at Limestone College this year, and finished his first year with a 4.0 in his pre-med studies! This summer he got a job as a counselor at the YMCA I work at, and the kids loved him. His “camp name” (given to all counselors) was Jazzy. During this past fall semester, Jared redshirted at Limestone and will be transferring to play soccer at Concord University in Athens, West Virginia. Concord is only 30 minutes away from the Lake House, so I see a lot of soccer games and tanning time coming up this spring. Jared is still banned from ever having a girlfriend, and talking about girls is strictly forbidden. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Jacob: What can I say about Jacob? Jacob is a junior at West Forsyth High School and lives his days scheming ways to torture me. I cannot begin to tell you all of the stories from Jacob encounters that happened in 2013. This past spring he made the West Golf team and performed very well. He was the only sophomore to make the Varsity Golf Team. He also got his first ever job! (finally) Following in John Robert’s footsteps, Jacob works at the local Lowes Foods grocery store. In October, he also got in his first car accident. No one was hurt, but I don’t foresee him ever wanting to get hit by an air bag, ever again.

Well, look at me go! I kept it to two pages, which I thought was nearly impossible. I don’t know how my mom has done this every year for 22 years! Even though the narration was a little different, I hope you enjoyed catching up with the Garlow’s.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

The Garlow's (and Sadie, Sampson and Bodie)


You can click on this link to read the 2014 letter...

See! Now you understand why I could pass the torch so easily. Good luck with the Christmas letter writing, Sis. I know you will do a great job.

Here's to many more years of letter writing! Writing is a lost art these days and it is refreshing to read words from a good writer.

It's almost New Year's Eve... wow!


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