A Decade of Christmas

I am going to re-post a post that my very talented daughter wrote this morning and put on her blog. I haven't been able to do much writing lately. In fact, all of November and most of December has gone by and I haven't written one post for this blog. I'm not really sure why. I could make a thousand guesses as to the "why," but I'm not really up to traveling down that particular road so I am just going to share this with all of you because it's almost the same as if I were writing it. :)  I am thankful she gathered these pictures and chose to share on her blog. These are wonderful memories for me, for all of us.
Thank you, Sis. You gave me a gift this day.  xoxox

Go here to read and see some great pictures... A Decade of Christmas by Katelyn Garlow

Oh, and if you enjoy following blogs, Katelyn's is a great one to follow. She writes with honestly, humor and her writing is delightful. You will enjoy the read.


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