10 Things I Want To Do This Summer... plus 2 more.

Now that I finally feel like it is summer, I can write this post. My last day of school (with kids) was Friday, the 13th.  Full moon, Friday the 13th, and the last day of school... Yeah, about that! I had all but two kids show up on Friday. That's still 21 kindergarteners for the LAST day of school. It was straight up Crazy and there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it either. haha It was "party central."  I still have to go to work next week, in fact, all teachers' "last day" is supposed to be June 26th. What's that you say??? I'm not even kidding!!! HOW the state can come up with such a stupid "end date" is beyond me. Thankfully our principal allowed us to work over time (like we don't already) and earn up to 40 comp hours. You know I did!! I at least get to knock off 5 of those days. Not to mention, my high school reunion is next Thursday and Friday, and you better believe I'm taking off for those days! I'm sure that Reunion business will be a blog all by itself. :)

So anyway, now that I feel like summer is finally upon me, I decided to come up with 10 things I want to do this summer. (I actually have 12 things, but it's OK)  For the first time in forever I don't have any specific plans for my summer. Typically I have it all planned out... where I'm going, when I'm going, and what beach I want to be at for such and such dates. Not this year. This summer is way different. Some tell me it's good not to have plans. They say, "Doesn't it feel good?" My answer to that is "yes" and "no."  I'm a planner. I like to know what I'm doing and when I'm doing it. I plan trips. I'm good at it. However, because of all the changes in my life recently, I'm just not able to do it.  Believe me, I want to, but I'm going to see how this goes without The Plan.

Here are my list of "12 things"and these are in no particular order...

1. I want to get all the boxes unpacked, organize closets, drawers and the garage, and hang my pictures.

2. I want to blog more... I need to write and put things down. It is therapy for me.

"A Southern Rehabilitation

A blog about changing courses and moving to Plan B."

3. I would like to start Jacob's scrapbook. All of my kids have "school scrapbooks." The other three graduated from CBDS and at the end of their senior year they were required to do an English project. It was to write 7 essays, topics previously chosen by the teacher, and make a scrapbook. Well, I made the two boys scrapbooks and Katelyn made her own.  Jacob will be graduating (Lord willing) from West Forsyth. I HAVE to make him a scrapbook too. The scrapbooks are really quite unique and special to each child.

4. I want to start running. I'm serious. Don't laugh. I made it one of my New Year's Resolutions b/c I wanted to be able to do a Color Run. Those Runs look like so much fun!!! I want to do it. This is the one I am aiming for... 10/4/14...  Not only do I need the exercise, but I just want to be able to run a few miles without total collapse!  I will definitely have to start out very s l o o o w, but I think this is actually doable for me. 

5. I want to drink more water. If I'm going to run and try to make healthier choices, then water is part of that deal. I pretty much hate drinking water. I NEED to drink water, more of it. So it's one of my "to do's" this summer. 

6.  I would like to have the beginning of my school year already planned out BEFORE I go back to school in August. See, here's the thing though... Once school is over and it's sweet summertime, I have NO desire whatsoever to even THINK about school, much less sit down and use my brain to plan out the first few weeks!!! It's hard, People. It's hard to "go back there" when those lazy sunny days of summer call my name. We'll see about this one. At least I put it on the list.

7. While speaking along the lines of "school related things", another thing to do this summer is apply for National Board Certification. I have avoided doing this like the Plagues of Egypt! It is an incredible amount of work and you pretty much give up your life to do this. The upside to getting NBCT, is the 12% increase in pay I would receive per year. That's a nice incentive when you live on a teacher's salary in North Carolina. I have several friends who have done it and survived and passed. They advise I do it without a doubt. "You're already doing the work. Why not get paid for it?" I'm thinking, "Yep. this just may be my time to go for it." I just need to take the plunge and sign up. It also costs a pretty penny to do and if I hit the "submit button" then there's no backing out! YIKES!

8. I want to read all the great books I have stacked up in my closet. I've got some great books to read but have not had the time to read them... I want to change that. I love to read.

9. I want to take Jacob on at least 2 college campus visits. The boy is supposed to graduate in 2015 but has not visited one college campus. I aim to change that this summer.  He doesn't have a choice about whether "to go or not to go."  He's going to college, but the question is WHERE? We have some really great universities in NC and he needs to start looking at them!! It doesn't even have to be NC, but he must start somewhere.

10.  I have to get to the beach at least once this summer. If you know me at all, when summer hits, I usually spend at least 3 weeks at the beach... somewhere. It's my "happy place."  I need the ocean like babies need milk! It too, is nourishment for me, for my soul, for my well being. There's just something about being on the beach. It rejuvenates me and makes me happy. The Mighty Atlantic has saved me more than a few times.

11. I want to go to the lake and share a fun weekend with friends. This is gonna happen for sure! I am looking forward to it.

12. I would like to enjoy my screened in porch... like I am doing right now. It is 11pm and I'm sitting outside with a glass of wine, candles glowing, water fountain making water noises and I'm writing on my blog. I want to do this more often. I want to sit on my porch and "just be." It is really kind of nice. I am trying not to be a "scaredy cat" about it and just enjoy the coolness of the night and the perfect ambiance. It is soothing.

This is not "my screened in porch," but it is a screened porch. :) You get the idea.

So that's my list. Wish me well.  At least I have some goals, some thoughts on this summer, short though it be.  This has been the never ending school year--the longest in history as far as I'm concerned!!  I hope you all have a wonderful summer filled with many of the things you want to do.

Stay tuned,


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