Angels Are Everywhere!

Mercy me! I can't believe it's been over a month since I moved into this new place. My last post was on moving day. It's time I checked back in...

I came home the other day and found the cutest little metal owl--the kind that sits in one's garden or in one's screened in porch... it's an outside owl that screams to be seen.  It was by my back door with a card attached to it. What a sweet surprise!! I needed a little pick-me-up.  Angels... they appear out of nowhere sometimes. Sure does make life sweeter. :)

My sweet thoughtful friend who left the owl also left a very nice card and guess what is on the front of it? Yep, "Angels Are Everywhere."  It's where I got the idea for this blog post.  The inside of the card has these words:

                       "Sometimes we feel that we are all alone, as life brings us
                        challenges to overcome and hardships to bear.  But when we
                        least expect it, help can appear.  It may be a kind word from a 
                        stranger or a phone call at just the right time, and we are 
                        suddenly surrounded with the loving grace of God.  Miracles
                        happen every day because angels are everywhere." 

My friend was simply being thoughtful; she knows full well what "this" feels like; she knows of the dark days and the sad moments and the lonely times. She brought me a bit of sunshine today. I am grateful. I am grateful for all the Angels in my life. Some I see regularly. Some only every now and again. Some by chance and happenstance and others I am completely unaware of, but they are there--out there bringing LIGHT into the dark places or the places that at times are just a little bit gray and dreary.

While I've been living here, I have received several sweet cards from various friends (Angels). It's really nice to walk to my mailbox with my new address and find some "happy mail" rather than the dreaded bills. These thoughtful friends have helped to ease the transition from "busy family home of 17 years" to "busy just mom's home of a whopping one month."  I still love the home I'm renting and it feels good when I am here. I'm still lonely at this new abode, but I'm able to deal with it most days. My youngest has been so good to come over nearly every day right after school or sometimes in the evenings with a couple of his friends to play ping pong downstairs in the Man Cave. He has spent the night with me a few times as well. Every Wednesday, I cook dinner for the kids and the thought was that we could all have at least one meal together each week. So far it has only been the two boys and we've gotten together for three straight Wednesdays now! Woohoo! The girl usually works late on Wednesdays so she has not joined us yet. The other boy will be home from college this weekend and I'm hoping he will join in on the weekly dinner thing. I'm certainly not opposed to more than one dinner night either! :)  The way things work now are not what they "used to be" b/c things ARE different now so we make new plans, new starts, try to keep family together and cohesive as much as possible, but realizing it is going to take effort and flexibility and a desire to remain close to one another.

Saturday I left the house for a couple of hours because I had some errands to run. When I returned, I found this cute strawberry cookie jar by the back door and inside this awesome Strawberry was slices of pound cake. Not just any pound cake but the BEST pound cake I've ever tasted This pound cake was made for "strawberries on top!" Another sweet thoughtful friend left this for me and texted me saying, "There's a little surprise waiting for you."  Another Angel.

A couple of weekends ago, my good friend, Joyce, came to see me. She drove from Charlotte on Saturday afternoon and spent the night with me. She was my first real house guest. Joyce, if you remember, is that childhood friend from elementary school. We've been friends since we were 8 years old. It was a real treat to spend some time together. I needed some friend time. She gave me this "angel"...
This Willow Tree Angel is titled "Courage."  Joyce gave this to me b/c it has significant meaning for me. In essence, she was telling me, "It took courage to do what you did. It takes courage NOW to forge ahead and figure it out." So this is a constant reminder to me to hold on to that courage.  Raise those arms! Shout out loud! Yes, I can do this! I will do it! Life is precious and life is good. Stay the course. Fight the fight. Be brave. What a great gift! So you see, there are Angels everywhere. Literally and figuratively.

This is a magnetic letter message written just for me by one of my sweet Kindergartners. I didn't even know she put it on my desk until hours later. I saw this and I just smiled. This little message made me happy. Sweet love notes from a 6 year old. Is there anything better? Oh, did you notice the backwards "lower case *a*?" Love it!!! 

Project Dryer

These two boys are MY boys. They came over to my house late on a Monday night to move this washer and dryer into my laundry room. Weeeell, see that dryer? It would NOT fit through the door. We tried everything. So, my oldest measured and he figured that if he took the entire window out, they could LIFT the dryer and push it through the window. I thought he was crazy and I was just going to go to bed b/c I couldn't take the insanity of it all. It was 10 pm. I couldn't deal with all this mess. I never went to bed b/c they kept calling my name, "MOM!" "Mom, can you hold this? Can you move that?" So after much lifting, moving of metal oil container (huge barrel like object that holds hundreds of gallons of oil-it was basically empty, Thank God), then hoisting the dryer up and through the window without killing anyone, the dryer was now inside the laundry room. I had to take a picture of the two who accomplished such a big feat. They were very proud of themselves to say the least. I was too. :) These Sweetnesses are my Angels.

Angels come in all shapes and sizes. All kinds of forms and many different colors. Angels come to us unawares and they come to us in full identity mode.  I have been grateful however they've come to me. All have been a tremendous blessing. A gift that money cannot buy. These Angels have made some gray days sunny and changed some sad moments into happy moments. So thank you to all the Angels who have come my way these past few weeks. You have made a difference!!



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