Stuck at the GSO airport...

Here it is the first day of my spring break and I had a 1:25pm flight leaving Greensboro headed straight to Miami, arriving at 3:30pm. TWO HOURS... I was supposed to be in warm sunny Miami in two short hours then on the beach shortly after landing.  Weeelll, that didn't happen.
looking out at the tarmac... rainy foggy grey day... flight delayed. :(

Here is what happened:  We boarded the plane on time. Everyone was in their seats, carry on's already safely stored in overhead bins, seat belts on... then the pilot comes on and says, "Due to air traffic and weather related issues in Miami, this flight will be delayed 3 hours. You will be deboarding the plane. Please be sure to get all of your belongings off this plane."  What? Seriously?? Then I just said to myself, "Oh, well, better safe than sorry. What can I do about it anyway? Right? Right."

So off the plane we go. I plopped myself down in a seat and commenced texting, calling, facebooking, etc... I thought I might people watch, because people watching is one of the best things ever to do no matter where you are, but unfortunately this airport is "dead" today. There aren't very many people to watch, so there goes that idea! Instead, I decided to start this post. I will  have to finish it once I get to Miami b/c believe it or not, the American Airlines guy just announced that we may be boarding in TEN MINUTES!!! Maybe we will only be 2 hours delayed instead of three. Woop! Woop!!  Here's to hoping our plane will arrive in MIA at 5:30 instead of 6:30!

We landed at 5:38!! YES, we did! If you have been to MIA airport then you know how HUGE it is... if you haven't, then just trust me. I finally wound my way to baggage claim and to the exit door. I, of course was in the wrong place, so I had to go back downstairs and out THAT door to find the SuperShuttle kiosk to check in and wait for my shuttle to take me to my destination. Thankfully, I had already prepaid my fare online and I only had to wait about ten minutes. Lucky for me, I was the only passenger on a big van. It was great!! However, the driver drove like he was from NYC, and scared me to death at least five times. (['m being generous)  I tried to carry on a bit of conversation, but needless to say, I could barely understand a word he said, and I can sure bet he couldn't understand a North Carolina Southern Girl! haha It makes me laugh just thinking about it. :D

I am now safe and sound inside my condo and am contemplating dinner plans. I will have to walk wherever I go, at least until Monday. Monday is when I plan to rent a car for a few days. There are some restaurants and grocery stores within walking distance of my condo, so I'm going to sign off of here and head on out. I am starving! Not to mention a glass of wine sounds absolutely heavenly right about now.

So, I am here an hour earlier than was expected. YEAH!!! Here's hoping the next 7 days will be warm,  sunny,  non rainy HOT Miami days!! Hot! Hot! Hot!

Three Cheers for Spring Break!!!


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