'Twas the Days Before Christmas...

I believe I mentioned in a former post (here) that I was determined to make this a fantastic Christmas season for my kids no matter what was going on with J and me.  Well, People, we did it!! It was a wonderful Christmas for all!!

One of the things I enjoy doing the most, but don't get to do every year, is going to Asheville to the famous Grove Park Inn to see the Gingerbread Houses. (click here) It is a BIG DEAL round these here parts. The winner gets to go to NYC and show their HOUSE on Good Morning America. It's really so very cool. This year I, and two of my children drove to Asheville on Sunday, the 22nd, so we could visit with my aunt before Christmas. Well, I made a little detour and didn't mention it to the kids until we were almost there. :) Yeah, Mom. Sometimes I have to "drag" my children to fun events.  First of all, The Grove Park Inn is spectacular in and of itself, but at Christmastime, it's flat out magical.

Here are a few snaps of our visit:
The Grove Park Inn, Asheville, North Carolina

 All of these "cool things" are made out of Gingerbread... everything on the houses are totally edible.

This is #2 and #3 of my kiddos... Jared and Katelyn.

                  Back of the Inn...from the porch one can see downtown Asheville.

                       The Pandas won THE GRAND PRIZE and the trip to NYC. :)

Christmas Eve night, all of us (except JR) went to Clemmons Moravian Church for the Christmas Lovefeast. Kate's boyfriend, Marc, even joined us. I think it was the first Christmas service of any kind he had ever been to... he is 26 years old. We started going several years ago and we just love it. It "feels" like Christmas and has such deep Christmas meaning, the true meaning of Christmas. The church is simply decorated but beautiful. A large Moravian star hangs from the ceiling in the front of the church and there are hundreds of poinsettias decorating "the stage." There are candles in the windows and the lights are turned down low; the choir sings from the balcony behind us, and the music is sweet and beautiful. We are served a Moravian bun and a cup of sweetened coffee... it is a celebration of Fellowship, being together, friends and neighbors. I always leave this service feeling blessed and so thankful. I was especially thankful this year b/c Marc heard the real Christmas Story read from the Gospel of Luke for the first time in his life. :)

After the Lovefeast, we went to Mi Pueblos for our annual Mexican Christmas Eve dinner. John Robert met us at the restaurant and now our circle was complete. We finished dinner and all 7 of us piled into the van and headed toward Tanglewood Festival of Lights. This is always a highlight of our Christmas festivities. (click here) Everybody tries to figure out the "new light display" for the year and what has been changed or deleted.  When we've driven through the Lights, we head home to finish wrapping gifts and stuff stockings and to give the kids their one present, usually a pair of Christmas pajamas. Except this year, mom didn't give pajamas b/c last year the Sister whined and complained about hers, so this year I decided no one gets pajamas. I gave them each an ornament!! You should have heard the cries of disbelief, especially from the three boys!! It was quite comical. The looks on their faces was priceless..."Mom, you really didn't get us pajamas this year?" Nope.

At least we got in bed at a decent hour this year... 1:15am!! Believe it or not, this is much earlier than in previous years, especially those "Santa Years!" I crawled in bed, exhausted, but happy that "tomorrow" would be Christmas and everything was ready for the big day. All of the kids participated in some family events; we did some things together and they were happy during these times. We were all happy and it was good, even if only for "this time."

... and all through the house, not a creature was stirring...



  1. Your pics are amazing! I am glad you had a great holiday! gf


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