It's Outta My Hands

Tonight was supposed to have been the night the real estate agent came to the house, gone over the contract, we sign it , she takes pictures of the house and then puts a sign in the yard, "House for Sale." Well, it didn't happen.

Last night, J, the husband, is in the hall bathroom on a ladder cleaning the walls above the shower, cuz  you know, we wanted everything to be all clean and sparkly for the realtor and her camera! He starts to get down from the ladder and his foot misses one of the rungs, and down he goes. I don't mean, just "down he goes"; I mean, he took out everything around him within a 4 foot radius. His arms must have gone "wild!" The shower rod came down (actually snapped the metal spring thing inside), the towel bar was ripped off the wall, including some of the sheetrock; the cabinet on the wall fell on top of him, and he landed on his back, somehow missing the corner of the sink and the commode, and with a horrendous thud, hit his head on the floor so hard that he thought he broke his jaw!! This happened with NO ONE at home. He says he "blacked out" and he can't remember what happened after the foot missed the ladder rung. He was in some incredible pain last night, but was smart enough to know to stay awake for several hours to ensure no concussion or funny head stuff was going on. I suggested we go have him checked out, but he wanted none of that business last night. He went to bed and did wake up this morning to drive himself to the doctor. (somehow he made it there without killing himself or anyone else!)

Once at the doctor's office, he gets thoroughly checked out from head to toe. The doctor ran some tests and determined he did INDEED have a concussion, but not just a "concussion," but a SEVERE concussion. A CT Scan was ordered of his head to see if there was any internal bleeding going on... four X-Rays were taken of his jaw (thankfully nothing broken or damaged) and prescriptions prescribed. He was also told he could not drive until Nov. 16th!!  We may be getting a divorce, but I don't want him dead or maimed!

I called the realtor. She was already on her way to our house, but she pulled off the road so we could discuss the situation. I told her about J falling, concussion, etc... She said, "We should postpone. Have him take care of himself. We have a lot to go over and with his concussion, he will be unable to focus. Your house WILL sell. I promise. I know it's disappointing to postpone again, but it's out of your hands. It's all in God's timing." She certainly got that right. It is out of my hands. I have tried and tried to get this house on the market for MONTHS. It hasn't happened. Now here it is the holiday season... Thanksgiving is right around the corner, then Christmas. Both holidays are very big deals in this household. My thought all summer was that we would be out of this house and into another abode where new traditions could start their reign. For whatever reason, it just hasn't happened yet.

Ms. Realtor says it will. She keeps telling me to be patient and it will work out. See, that's the thing. I have zero patience for anything except children and the elderly. I just wasn't born with that particular character trait. It is very difficult to sit in this house day after day after day knowing the situation is what it is. There is nothing on the walls... no pictures, no prints, half of my furniture is in storage... it's basically a very bare house. Very bare houses are not "home". They aren't cozy and welcoming. It feels like just a shell, a place to take shelter and to sleep. There is no real living going on in this house. The kids say the same thing. "It's awful, Mom."  It's very sad and very depressing. But here's the thing, because the selling of the house is out of my hands (temporarily), I have determined to make the holidays "Merry," not just for my own sanity, but I want this to be a happy memorable time for my children... as much as possible. If we all start traveling down "Memory Lane", Whoa! we take a sudden U-turn into "Blacksville" and I just don't want that to be the case. I can't let it be the case. It will be a struggle to pull off; it will take a fight on everyone's part, but it is my sincere desire to make it happen.

The house may not get on the market until January. I have to be OK with that. I have to remember there is a reason for everything. I don't know what it is, but for now "this" is the way things are and I have to go with it or else go insane. So far I've been able to get through this without drugs. I want to keep it that way! haha  Each day is a gift and if I don't live each day to the fullest, no matter what situation I find myself in, then I am throwing away valuable time; time I will never be able to get back. At this point in my life, every minute counts!! ;o)

So, Happy Holidays!!


  1. let the holidays begin! Start will hide the bareness. keep the old traditions you love and throw in some new ones.


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