Some Heroes Are Girls

Here comes one of the posts where I brag on one of my kids...

My Girl, now 24 years old, works at a local YMCA. She is the Associate Aquatics Director and she does an awesome job at her job. :)

Little background information first, because, well, I haven't really introduced my 4 Loves to you yet.

My Girl is the second child and the only girl of four. She loves the fact that she is the "only girl." She is an April baby and she was always "my girl" from the moment she was born. We are very much alike in personality, looks, interests, the way we speak, the way we write, who we like and don't like, the music we listen to...Country! Even our humor and sarcasm is very much the same... she is my fun girl. We have had fall on the floor, side splitting belly shaking can't breathe laughter fits many many times. We truly have a good time together. Now don't get me wrong, b/c we are so much alike, we have our spats as well, and our heads have butted on more than one or a hundred occasions, but we get each other. Who does she run to when the going gets rough or she just wants to tell something to somebody? Yep, her Mama.

She is a proud graduate of North Carolina State University (Go, Wolfpack!) Her degree is in Communications and Journalism. She, too, loves to write and is very good at it. In fact, she is a blogger... long before I decided to try my hand at it. She landed a job in Washington, DC,  and lived "up there" for a year. What an incredible opportunity she was given and her experiences there were amazing.  Now she's back in the South where her heart is happiest. OK... now on to my story...

K was at work last Saturday and a random Mom comes tearing into the Y asking for help for a little girl locked in a truck out in the parking lot. Little girl was crying hysterically and sweating to beat the band. K goes running like the wind out of the building, looking in every direction, saying, "Where? Where is she?"  She gets to the truck and the little girl is frantic. She can't get out of her car seat and has been crying and afraid for a long time now. (Idiot dad coaches TBall and was late getting there so got out of car in a rush, told gparents to get her, but gparents didn't and there ya have it...) Um, how come no one missed her??? for like close to an hour???  Ok, anyway, K somehow talks to the little girl through the truck window and calms her down enough to get her name and that she is 3 yrs. old... THREE...and tells her how to reach to unlock the truck door. Little girl did and K nearly ripped the door off its hinges trying to get to her to get her out!!! Picture Mrs. Hulk complete with the adrenaline to match.  Once K got her seat belt unhooked (which was very difficult for her to do), the little girl latched on to her for dear life. She was clinging to K and crying and sweating and so traumatized. After a few minutes some rando woman comes over, says she is a family friend and tries to take little one. K gets all protective and goes into Mama Bear mode. Little M (name omitted) did say she knew the lady so K let her hold her, but then lady starts walking off. "HOLD UP," K says. "You can't just walk off with her. I don't know who you are." Woman keeps walking. (bad move on woman's part)  K and another co-worker surround her and tell her, "Uh, no. Sorry. You are not taking her anywhere!"  Woman FINALLY agrees, because she actually had no choice, and all of them together go and find dad on the ball field...

They get dad's attention, he comes sauntering over all pissed that someone is interrupting his coaching and the game... once he realizes what's going on, he chills, apologizes, says thank you a million and one times to K, but.... K let's him know that the police are on their way and so is the fire department!! Whoa, now!! Dad says, "no need for the police."  K says, "Well, maybe, but your child was locked in a  hot car for nearly an hour. They're on their way." Sorry 'bout your luck, daddy-O!  Maybe he won't forget his kid next time!

Needless to say, all turned out OK, but it could have been very different with a very different ending. I told you this story b/c I was just so darn proud of My Girl! She is good in emergency situations as long as it's not involving herself! ha She does have maternal instincts! Praise Be! (despite what she says about "never having children") She's good at her job. She's good with kids of all ages. I am thankful she takes charge; she makes things happen one way or the other. So way to go, K!!! You are a hero in my book each and every day! :)



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  3. This is my cooler comment. gf
    Try using a new theme to help with the readers posting comments.

  4. that would be great, gf, but now I have to try to remember HOW to do that! haha No comments make me sad. :(


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