
Showing posts from February, 2015

On The Road to Independence

Yesterday and today have been "Snow Days."  A snow day is when the kids are out of school due to inclement weather. I am a teacher so that is doubly exciting for me--maybe even triple the excitement! We even got out two hours early on Monday b/c of the "expectation of snow coming." We didn't get near the amount of snow I had hoped for, but at least it covered the ground for the most part.  I've been off these last two days and it has been fabulous. I woke up late, stayed in bed even longer b/c I have this wonderful new mattress that is a work of art, a slice of a heaven. I traveled to SC to get it. It was made just for me... not kidding. I digress, sorry. I didn't make my coffee until almost 10:00! (WHOA! That's a big deal.) I sat and watched TV for a while and didn't make breakfast until lunch time. It was a great morning. It's been a great TWO mornings. Today was actually an "Optional Teacher Work Day"... ok, really??? Keyword: &q

After Rain Comes Sunshine...

Every cloud must have a little rain. I know the last post had a whole lot of "serious." It is what it is though. This journey is a lot like mountains and valleys. I've had and do have very high mountain top days and there are times I've had and continue to have some low valley days. It's inevitable. One cannot live life without some dark rain clouds from time to time. There is just no way to stay "high" every single minute of every single day. Impossible. I purchase a new Planner every year b/c I have to be able to write things down and see it on paper versus the "new way" of keeping everything on one's phone calendar. I like to doodle and make things look pretty. For this year's Planner Cover, I chose "My Favorites" design. I came up with a list of some of my favorite things and the list was printed on the cover. I love it!! I had the best time thinking of things that are my favorites . Typing them out and reading them i

I Feel The Water Rising

Have you ever felt a storm brewing? Could you sense something bad about to happen? Perhaps you have felt a dread coming, a rumbling in the background and the closer it gets the louder the rumble until it is so loud you are deafened by the sound of it? It's on top of you before you realize it and you're taken by surprise at the enormity of its power? Well, that's where I am these days. I am sitting on a beach somewhere looking out to sea and I hear a low rumble and I see the waves tossing and churning about, the white caps are forming and getting more frantic as time passes.  In essence, I see a big nasty tidal wave developing. Even though I see it forming way out in the distance and I know it's coming and will no doubt make landfall, I don't move. I can't move. I am making no effort to out run it or try to find a safe place. I sit, ready to take the hit. This past week has been a doozy, a lot of storms. Really the last two weeks have been "quite a bit.&qu