What is it about Four Letter Words?
Four letter words.... Four letter words can be some of the best words ever in the history of language... then there are some that are just plain yuck. You will later see why I chose this as my title for this post. LOVE: perhaps one of my top three favorite words. LOVE means so many things. It could mean being madly in love , desperately in love , love knows no bounds. It could be simply, "I love strawberries" or "I love thunderstorms" or "I love to read." Love is giving someone a compliment, "I love your haircut," "I love your outfit today," "I love the way you speak," "I love your paintings," "I love that you share your food with me." Love is an expression, whether it's a feeling, a mood, a statement, etc... Love is a really BIG word. The phrase, "I love you" is incredibly meaningful and whether we say them to our friends, our spouse or significant other, our children, whomever......