
Showing posts from August, 2016

My Nannie

Yesterday was August 13, 2016. It was a hot summer night on August 13, 2006, when I got the call that my grandmother was dying. I remember I had been to a movie with a bunch of teenage kids. The movie was Talledega Nights . When I got home, the call came and I froze. I didn't hurry but if I had of hurried, I might have made it before she passed. I was in shock and didn't want to believe it. If I put off going long enough, it would all be over. My oldest son drove me to Asheville that night. It was very late when we got to the nursing home. They had done nothing to her, didn't move her, just left her in the bed. When we walked into her room, it was more than I could stand at the moment. The woman I loved most in this world was dead; she was lying there with her mouth open, and we couldn't even close it. I tried. I walked out for a few minutes to try and get a grip on the emotions that were enveloping me while my sweet son stayed in the room with her for a bit. I was hard

A Day for Cleaning Out Crap

This post is going to be short and sweet, but I just felt the need to write "something" today. Anything. Last week was our very first family vacation in this new way of life. All the kids and me. It was wonderful. Anyway, today is another day. It happens to be August 3. I got married on August 3, 1984. Today would have been our anniversary, our 32nd anniversary. This is not a post about how sad I am or how I'm drowning in the memories. It's a post about cleaning out the crap in every sense of the word. I have spent two days this week at our old house... I will call it the Bridgewood House (that's the name of the street). J has now moved out and living in another city. My oldest son has moved out and now living in his own apartment in Clemmons. My youngest son is the only one at the house now and he isn't going to go easy. He is latching on and refusing to leave until he absolutely has to go. This may be the last week he is there. There isn't much left a