
Showing posts from May, 2014

Boys Will Be Boys... but Good Grief!

As a parent, you worry about your children from the moment they burst out of their true safe haven into this world of "there is no true safe haven" anymore. As the kids grow, so does a parent's worry.  I tell my friends all the time, "you haven't seen anything yet!" To me, the years before age 18 were "easy." For whatever reason, it's those late teen/early twenties/mid twenties years that makes the first 18 look like a cake walk!  Just sayin'. Two Saturdays ago, I had worked out in my yard all day long. I was tired. I showered late and got in bed about 11:30pm. I wanted to read a little before falling asleep. Well, about midnight my phone rings. I look at the number and it is a local "336" number. I didn't recognize it, but thought, "if I'm getting a local call this late, then it can't be a good thing."  I answered it with some fear; I'm not gonna lie.  "Hello. Is this Dawn Garlow?"  I say, &q

Angels Are Everywhere!

Mercy me! I can't believe it's been over a month since I moved into this new place. My last post was on moving day. It's time I checked back in... I came home the other day and found the cutest little metal owl--the kind that sits in one's garden or in one's screened in porch... it's an outside owl that screams to be seen.  It was by my back door with a card attached to it. What a sweet surprise!! I needed a little pick-me-up.  Angels... they appear out of nowhere sometimes. Sure does make life sweeter. :) My sweet thoughtful friend who left the owl also left a very nice card and guess what is on the front of it? Yep, "Angels Are Everywhere."  It's where I got the idea for this blog post.  The inside of the card has these words:                         "Sometimes we feel that we are all alone, as life brings us                         challenges to overcome and hardships to bear.  But when we                         least expect it,