
Showing posts from March, 2014

Stuck at the GSO airport...

Here it is the first day of my spring break and I had a 1:25pm flight leaving Greensboro headed straight to Miami, arriving at 3:30pm. TWO HOURS... I was supposed to be in warm sunny Miami in two short hours then on the beach shortly after landing.  Weeelll, that didn't happen. looking out at the tarmac... rainy foggy grey day... flight delayed. :( Here is what happened:  We boarded the plane on time. Everyone was in their seats, carry on's already safely stored in overhead bins, seat belts on... then the pilot comes on and says, "Due to air traffic and weather related issues in Miami, this flight will be delayed 3 hours. You will be deboarding the plane. Please be sure to get all of your belongings off this plane."  What? Seriously?? Then I just said to myself, "Oh, well, better safe than sorry. What can I do about it anyway? Right? Right." So off the plane we go. I plopped myself down in a seat and commenced texting, calling, facebooking, etc... I

March Madness

MARCH... I do love the month of March. This March has taken on a life of its own...definitely coming in "like a lion", staying "like a lion" with only a FEW "lamb days" in between. Here we are nearing the end of March and it's apparently going to go out "like a lion" as well!! The weather forecast for NC is more snow beginning on Monday (3/24) and carrying over till Tuesday (3/25) and there could be 4 inches of the pretty white stuff!! WHAT??? Yeah, welcome to North Carolina where you can be sitting in shorts on your back deck sipping sweet tea in 70 degree weather on Saturday and on Monday, you're bundled up in your sweater and long johns trying not to get frostbite!! CRAZY! You know what? For some reason it really hasn't bothered me. I love snow and I did wish for snow this winter. Finally, I'm getting something I wished for! :) I have thoroughly enjoyed all the 9 snow days we've had so far. The "breaks" came at g

Getting Off the Escalator

I feel like I'm riding on an escalator; I get off and walk two steps and get back on again. I keep doing this over and over. This is how my days go of late. Up and down, around in circles. I used to love to ride escalators when I was a little kid. It was fun THEN to get on and off, turn around and walk down the up or up the down, but when you're on it in real life it is a whole other thing and it's certainly NOT fun.  I want off! The thing is, should I get on a slow moving sidewalk thing like what they have in airports or should I just step off and walk on my two legs and feet? Those slow moving sidewalks help when you have a lot of walking to do especially if you are saddled with a bunch of luggage, but they sure do propel you forward once you get to the end of it and you better be ready to keep walking once it does! Maybe I need something to give me a little push, something to propel me forward. I'm stuck in a place that is unfamiliar. I don't like this "pl