
Showing posts from December, 2013

Christmas Day Musings 2013

I hope you all don't get tired of hearing about "Christmas." This month was just the best. The best times I've had in a very long while. Christmas morning was a gift. I think it was a gift to all of us. "One more Christmas" like it used to be, or at least as close as we could get it. For the first time ever Katelyn did not spend Christmas Eve night at home with her family. She went back to her own little place and came back Christmas morning. I'm not gonna lie, it was strange and I didn't like it much, but at some point I have to realize my kids are young adults. She's 24 yrs. old and has her own apartment. I'm thankful she is at least "home"...same city, same state and only a 15 minute drive away. I got up long before anyone else in the house woke up. I just wanted to have a bit of Christmas Quiet before all the commotion commenced. I turned the tree on, all three of the trees actually, made some coffee and enjoyed the peace of t

'Twas the Days Before Christmas...

I believe I mentioned in a former post ( here ) that I was determined to make this a fantastic Christmas season for my kids no matter what was going on with J and me.  Well, People, we did it!! It was a wonderful Christmas for all!! One of the things I enjoy doing the most, but don't get to do every year, is going to Asheville to the famous Grove Park Inn to see the Gingerbread Houses . ( click here ) It is a BIG DEAL round these here parts. The winner gets to go to NYC and show their HOUSE on Good Morning America . It's really so very cool. This year I, and two of my children drove to Asheville on Sunday, the 22nd, so we could visit with my aunt before Christmas. Well, I made a little detour and didn't mention it to the kids until we were almost there. :) Yeah, Mom. Sometimes I have to "drag" my children to fun events.  First of all, The Grove Park Inn is spectacular in and of itself, but at Christmastime, it's flat out magical. Here are a few snaps of

Golfing on Christmas Eve?... really.

Today is Christmas Eve and my husband and son have decided to go play golf. Now you may think that is no bigs, but it's Christmas Eve... a time when families usually spend time together doing last minute "stuff" or making cookies, or wrapping presents, or just the knowing that *we* are somewhere in the house together whether we are actually together or not. Together, being the operative word here. It's the principal of the matter to me. Oh, last night he said, "Is there anything else I'm expected to do tomorrow or get done tomorrow that I haven't done yet?"  As soon as he asked the question, I knew there was some motive behind it, some reason why he was asking.  Then out it came, "Well, I'm planning on playing golf with D tomorrow. If I need to do something, just tell me. I have no problem canceling."  Really? Of course he knows I'm not going to say anything, I mean honestly why would I? Yesterday was a bit of a bump in my Christm

Something To Look Forward To...

I am getting excited about an upcoming "gathering" this coming weekend. I am calling it a "Girlfriend's Gathering."  I got the idea several weeks back. I decided I wanted to gather together the friends in my life who have had the most impact. The friends who have ALWAYS supported me no matter what; they have been loyal and true and trustworthy; they encourage me and pray for me, and above all, they love me. This has been especially true over the last several months during all this "marriage stuff." So because of this, I wanted to have a party to honor them, to thank them and to let them know how special each one is to me. I want this get together not only to thank them, but I want all the different friends to meet each other. This may be the one and only time I have this exact bunch all in one place. I have different "sets" of friends, all with different personalities, different backgrounds, but these different sets all make up the core of