Christmas Day Musings 2013
I hope you all don't get tired of hearing about "Christmas." This month was just the best. The best times I've had in a very long while. Christmas morning was a gift. I think it was a gift to all of us. "One more Christmas" like it used to be, or at least as close as we could get it. For the first time ever Katelyn did not spend Christmas Eve night at home with her family. She went back to her own little place and came back Christmas morning. I'm not gonna lie, it was strange and I didn't like it much, but at some point I have to realize my kids are young adults. She's 24 yrs. old and has her own apartment. I'm thankful she is at least "home"...same city, same state and only a 15 minute drive away. I got up long before anyone else in the house woke up. I just wanted to have a bit of Christmas Quiet before all the commotion commenced. I turned the tree on, all three of the trees actually, made some coffee and enjoyed the peace of t...