
Showing posts from November, 2013

Theft Happens!

Well, somebody up and did it to me!! I was at a Hallmark store one day last week and I tried to pay for my items with my debit card... "I'm sorry. It didn't work. May I try your card again?" Sure, you can. So the cashier tries my card again... "Oh, there's a penny stuck in the slider track thingy."  Flick! Out the penny goes! "Ok, let's try it again."  Nope. "Service not accepted" it says. Now the manager comes over to see what the problem is... she tries entering the numbers by hand... guess what? It doesn't work that way either. She is puzzled. I am puzzled b/c I just used my debit card this morning and I know I have enough money to cover the $11 bill. I ended up paying another way and as soon as I walked out of the store's doors, I went straight to my car to call Wells Fargo. I found out "someone" had been trying to make transactions using my debit card. What you say??? The woman asked me a bunch of question

It's Tough

For whatever reason, I have been completely at a loss as to what to write of late. I mean, blank slate type deal. It's even stressing me out that I can't think of something to write here on this blog. What is THAT about?? Today I had to leave work at 11:45 because I had a splitting please saw my head off headache. I could've tried taking more Advil and stayed through the rest of the day, but I just couldn't do it. I had to get out of there or I felt as if I was going to have a meltdown...not a meltdown in a mad way, but just an emotional meltdown. The headache started last night and I woke up at 4am with it pounding. I had hoped the combination of Advil and caffeine would take care of it. Nope.  This week has been rough for various reasons. I haven't gotten much sleep; I've stayed late at work several days-when I leave it's nearly dark or it is dark, and by the time I do get home it's hurry and fix something for dinner, put a load of clothes in the was

At Home in the Mountains

This past weekend I drove to Asheville to see my aunt who is still in the hospital. I haven't seen her in two weeks and I needed to go. I also made plans to spend the night with my sisterfriend, Katie, at her new house. Her new house nestled all cozily in the beautiful mountains of Hendersonville, NC.  I couldn't wait to see what she had done with the place! This probably is a good time to introduce you to my long time best friend. We met the summer of 1978 at a restaurant called "Western Steer Steakhouse."  We were both "behind the counter girls." We had to wear black pants, a red/white polyester uniform top and this horrific red bandana thing. We were lucky enough to be scheduled to work the same shift one night. We talked. We tried to get a bead on one another before deciding whether or not we wanted to pursue a friendship. (that's what girls do... have to feel it out first, see if it's going to be something worth putting effort into before we j

It's Outta My Hands

Tonight was supposed to have been the night the real estate agent came to the house, gone over the contract, we sign it , she takes pictures of the house and then puts a sign in the yard, "House for Sale." Well, it didn't happen. Last night, J, the husband, is in the hall bathroom on a ladder cleaning the walls above the shower, cuz  you know, we wanted everything to be all clean and sparkly for the realtor and her camera! He starts to get down from the ladder and his foot misses one of the rungs, and down he goes. I don't mean, just "down he goes"; I mean, he took out everything around him within a 4 foot radius. His arms must have gone "wild!" The shower rod came down (actually snapped the metal spring thing inside), the towel bar was ripped off the wall, including some of the sheetrock; the cabinet on the wall fell on top of him, and he landed on his back, somehow missing the corner of the sink and the commode, and with a horrendous thud, hit