
Showing posts from February, 2023

How Did You?

 I was asked a very big question yesterday that I have not really thought about in a very long time. A dear friend asked me, "How in the world did you ever get accustomed to being alone?"  At the moment she asked, I was getting my hair done and couldn't respond. Truthfully, the question knocked me back a couple of steps. I had not traveled down this road in a very long time. I had a two-hour drive back home, so I pondered this. How could I answer her question and at the same time give her hope? This friend is going through a separation and eventual divorce. She too has been with her husband for over 30 years.  How do I answer her question with honesty, yet give encouragement for brighter days?  In my mind I thought I am NOT accustomed to being alone, it's just my present state of life right now. God didn't design his Creations to be alone. He designed a mate for all living things. Humans most of all. So I decided to go back in time and I thought back to the fall o