
Showing posts from August, 2021

"There Ya Go"

It is a quiet Sunday afternoon. It is August and hotter than blazes outside. Summer, thankfully is winding down, or I hope it is. These heatwave days are no joke here in Fayetteville.  Since I have some downtime today I thought I would jot some thoughts here. I was talking to my friend on the phone just a few minutes ago and I was telling her my latest news and when I finished telling her, I said, "There ya go," because really what else is there to say.  I have been talking to a guy for the last 6 months. We have talked just about every single day and sometimes multiple times a day, for literally the last 6 months, which is 24+ weeks, which translates into a TON of hours on the phone. A. TON. I am not a big phone talker so this was new for me and I actually didn't mind. We don't live in close proximity to each other so we have not been out on any dates or seen each other, etc... However, I know him. I have known him for many years. He called me. He kept calling me. We