My Church

What a rollercoaster of emotions the last few weeks, days! I had every intention of going to church this morning. I made plans last night and told myself, "Tomorrow is the day. I'm going." I'm not sure what the pull is, but I have felt the need to get back to church recently. I suppose the desert has become too dry to give any more sustenance. I haven't been to church for a normal Sunday service in about 5 years. When J and I started having issues, then separated, then divorce, then the aftermath, I was not about church. I went on a couple of Easter Sundays and each Christmas service, but that's it. This year has brought several major life changes (it's only July) and perhaps because of the enormity of these changes, my heart has been changing as well. I've been feeling an urging, a push if you will, toward the Holy. I've never lost it; I have misplaced it or put it on the back burner perhaps. My heart has hurt this year and I've found myself...