This Was That Day Plus Our Family Vacay
That day was August 13, 2006... This day is August 13, 2018... How has it been 14 years since she left? This is the date that my grandmother passed away. This is the day I lost being someone's child... and today is August 13th, 2018. I just came back from a wonderful family vacation with my children--2 of them plus a daughter-in-law plus two grandchildren. My oldest and youngest could not join us this time. I started back to work today. Well, truthfully, my official start date is Thursday, August 16th, but I went to my new school today to at least start unpacking some of the many boxes and get an idea of room arrangement, etc... My principal, who happens to also be a good friend, helped me move furniture and rearrange some things. As we were working, she asked me, "Why are you sad? Are you not happy to be here? Are you not excited? Is it because you are teaching 3rd grade?" She asked me the "sad question" at least 5 times. She told me I just didn't look r...