
Showing posts from July, 2016

Let Freedom Ring!

Happy July 4th, America!! Let Freedom Ring!! I love July 4th! For Americans, it has great meaning! (or it should)  It is the celebration of our Independence Day. Freedom is a wonderful thing. Just the word "freedom" sounds wonderful. I am celebrating America's Independence Day at the beach this year. I also love the beach. :) I am here with my friend and her family. I actually ran away and she was kind enough to invite me to stay with her clan this week. (Friends. The salt of life--mine anyway.)  I'm one of those people that are a firm believer in God, Family, Country. The colors of my blood are red, white and blue. I proudly wave my American flag in front of my home. I vote at every possible opportunity. I feel duty bound to do so. I know that the 2016 Presidential election is cause for great alarm and some will choose not to vote because they feel they cannot support either candidate. I can't do that. I will vote because I have the freedom and privilege