
Showing posts from May, 2016

Survival of the Fittest is Real

What does "survival of the fittest" mean? I looked it up in the dictionary and one definition said this: "the belief that only the people with a strong desire to succeed and the ability to change as conditions change will achieve success." I'm here to report I survived the funeral and the days in WV. I feel like I for sure fit under the title of "Survival of the Fittest." I had a strong desire to get through that weekend and I definitely had to change as the conditions of my surroundings changed. Bottom line... I made it. I am a SURVIVOR!! I achieved success!! It wasn't pretty all the time, but I did it. I mentioned in the previous post , part of me was excited to see so many family members and friends. The other part of me was dreading the uncomfortableness of not being "husband and wife" in this sea of family members and friends.  Even in the midst of that awful awkwardness, it all worked out. Seeing all 12 of my nieces and nephe