
Showing posts from August, 2015

Ya Get Punched Sometimes

It happened. That moment you know that is bound to happen but you are so not ready for? You know "that moment." For those of you who have been divorced or been in long term relationships that have ended, you know this moment.  It's called "The Other Woman Moment." I don't care if my divorce is final. I don't care that J and I haven't been "together" in 3 years. I don't care that this is all part of the process. It just doesn't matter. When you find out there's someone else, it's a sucker punch and it hurts like the dickens! It just does. It happened to me just a few short weeks ago. I had just gotten back into town from an Asheville visit and I needed to drop some things off at the "other house." This was not just a drop in unannounced visit. I had talked to J only a few days before and told him I would be by the house on Sunday afternoon. Well, he didn't remember that fact. As I drove down the street towar