
Showing posts from May, 2015

Just One Tent Away...

I have been unable to wrap my mind around what I wanted to blog about these last few weeks simply because there has been so much going on. I thought I had a title settled in my mind, then I changed it--a few times. " Just One Tent Away " is perfect. The last month has been CrAzY! The days have all blended into each other due to the non-stop packed action that has been crammed into each 24 hour time period. I wrote a post about how I could  "Feel the Water Rising"  in early February. Well, the water rose. It all started with that impending dread of "April 14th" being "the day"-the one year mark. So technically the inside jerkiness started days before the 14th. On top of that gem, my aunt was being discharged from the nursing facility on the 14th b/c she was too self sufficient and could no longer stay due to "Medicare stuff" and the possibility of the facility not getting paid. (it's all about money, folks) Never mind the fact th