North of the Mason-Dixon!! Oh, MY!!

Today is October 6, 2015… I am currently on a plane bound for Chicago. I am flying with my daughter, Katelyn. We haven’t flown together since she was 13 years old. That was her first time flying on a plane and we went to Maine for 7 days. Someday I will have to blog about our trips with each of our children. When each child turned 13, John and I took them on a special trip.. their choice as long as in the US. She is now 26 and this is fun times for ol Mom. I hope she thinks so too. 

I am excited about Chicago because two of my brothers are there. Katelyn will get to meet one of her uncles for the very first time. I have two older brothers, Ray and John. These are the 2 that live in Chicago at the present time. I also have a younger brother, Jeff. He lives in Alabama. The story of meeting my brothers is here and here. It’s an amazing story really…. actually our entire childhood and subsequent years is a pretty amazing story. I could write a book about all the crazy and the things that just wanna make you say, “What? Nah! Really?”

We are going to split our time between Chicago and Milwaukee. My beautiful niece, Beth, lives in Milwaukee with her husband, Nick and their 2 sons, Brooks (3) and Kit James (5 weeks old). Kate and I have not seen Beth since my other niece’s wedding in July 2012. This visit is loooong overdue. I am so excited to see Beth and her babies! Beth used to spend time in the summers with us when we lived in West Virginia. We’ve been on some special vacations together. Most of our vacations have been with the entire Garlow clan and a few with just Beth tagging along with our family at various times. Beth has always been special to my heart. All my nieces and nephews are special, but Beth and I have a great connection.

Since John and I separated and now the divorce, I have felt very disconnected with all members of my Garlow family, particularly my nieces and nephews (there are 8 of them). In my mind, nothing has changed. I still love them every bit as much as I did when we were married. I am still their aunt and in my heart I always will be. Honestly, I'm not sure they aren’t a bit perplexed themselves about how to handle the situation. I can certainly understand their dilemma. So this decision to go see Beth and family is deliberate on my part. I want her to know nothing has changed. I love her. I love her family and the two of us can continue to have a familial relationship. I need her to know this…believe it… count on it. I am very much looking forward to our time together. I am also looking forward to lots and lots of baby lovin’…snuggles and cuddles and kisses and diaper changes and play time with Brooks.

This is baby Kit James. Mercy! Did I ever give this baby some love and kisses!  
Today is obviously not "Oct. 6," and we have been back from our wonderful adventure up North for several weeks now, but I wanted to leave those thoughts here b/c those words paint a picture of what I was thinking before we got there...anticipation...excitement. I am happy to say our visit was all that and more. We had such a great time, both in Chicago and in Milwaukee. I am going to let the pictures do the talking and show you just how much fun we did have "north of the Mason-Dixon line!" 
Road Trippin' with my Girl ... Chicago to Milwaukee
Oh, my! Aunt Dawn is in heaven with this little SnuggleBug!
Cousin Kate and Brooks at Colectivo Coffee Shop (Yumm-O)
Beautiful Cousins x 3 2015 (K looks like a natural with that baby thing and baby KJ)
Beautiful cousins 1991(I had to put this one in)

Downtown Milwaukee 
Pic with The Fonz (daughter's face)ha
One of my FAVORITE pictures of the whole trip. 
Katelyn chilling with Baby Kit James

waiting for the train to take us into THE CITY
Soldier Field
2 of my brothers, John and Ray (OLDER bros) ha
That is what we were standing on! The Ledge!! 1,353 feet high!!!!
Getting some good-bye hugs and love from Brooks-what a Sweetness!
Back in Illinois taking the train into "the City"-Chicago, here we come! 
The Bean--this was soooo cool! 
Garrett's Popcorn Shop-A must when one goes to Chicago
This was taken out on THE LEDGE-OMG! This was scary especially for someone who is afraid of heights!! I don' t'look scared but I am freaking out on the inside!!!
making faces and taking Selfies

Ray fixed a delicious dinner for all of us. 

We had such a great time! Thanks Ray and Laura! 

Portilos has THE BEST hot dogs!! Our breakfast on way to the airport.
I realize that is a LOT of pics to look through but I seriously couldn't choose just a "few."(The pictures are kind of mixed up bc my computer is on the fritz and about to die and I couldn't get them to rearrange.) Plus, the pictures tell the story of our trip better than I could tell it with words. I am so thankful I got to make this trip with My Girl. I am thankful that we had family to visit and Katelyn got to meet another Uncle. I am thankful for my niece and her two babies and her very kind husband who takes such good care of them. We really loved Chicago and we will go back. There is so much more to see and do!

Here's to more adventures and more visits with the people we love in this world!!

P.S. It's November... my favorite month!!


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