
Showing posts from January, 2021

2020: You Came At Us Guns Blazing

I know there have been untold references and discussions and shows and specials on the year that was "2020," but I would be doing myself a disservice to my journaling if I didn't do my own post about it. After all, I will forget all those other shows and specials, but here, here I will have documentation of my own journey through the "year that was 2020."  I remember choosing my word for 2020: it was self-care. I was going to make 2020 the year of taking care of myself in a myriad of different ways. I got off to a good start. I joined a gym and I was going fairly regularly. I had a positive mindset and I was being mindful of all the choices I was making whether food-related, friend-related, management of time, blogging, etc... Little did I know, or did any of us know, the absolute train wreck that was about to happen.  I remember the day clearly. March 13th. A Friday. We had all heard the news of this Coronavirus and how it was rapidly spreading to the US. I wa