
Showing posts from December, 2020

Annual Christmas Letter 2020

It has been so long since I've written a post, I can't remember what the last post was even about without looking back. I do know it has been far far too long and just because it is 2020 isn't an excuse to neglect the things I love to do. Writing is something I enjoy and I've just "let it go" this year and I regret it. So much has happened this year and I'm sad I didn't take the time to write it all here. This blog was started as a means of therapy to help me through the lowest point in my life and then it turned into therapy PLUS a journal of sorts of my life's happenings and adventures.   I love mailing out Christmas cards. In 1991, I started writing a family Christmas letter to send out to our friends and family. It was a collection of thoughts on what I'd learned that particular year or thoughts on the Christmas season or just as a way to share what was on my heart when I wrote the letter. I also wrote about each child and we included a lot